Ligne de temps

Shahragim Tajbakhsh
Coordinateur(trice) du Labex
04 déc. 2024
21 nov. 2024
On Mon 11/18, we held a mini symposium on the novel perspectives in human embryo research and Stem cell day. Lively discussions thanks to our prominent speakers and participants!
Lire plus21 nov. 2024
On Monday, November 18, we held a Minisymposium on the new perspectives of human embryo research and STEM CELL DAY. Lively discussions thanks to our outstanding speakers and participants!
Lire plus21 nov. 2024
On Mon 11/18, we held a Mini-Symposium: “The Human Embryo: Novel Perspectives in Research and Disease Mechanisms” and STEM CELL DAY. Lively discussions thanks to our prominent speakers and participants!
Lire plus03 oct. 2024
20 mars 2024
AFM-Trampolin: Cellular and genetic basis for robustness of cranial myogenic populations (ENCRYPT)
Lire plus20 mars 2024
ANR-JCJC: Mechanisms defining functional heterogeneity of anatomically distinct myogenic populations (MUSE)
Lire plus29 déc. 2023
02 juin 2023
30 mai 2023
28 mai 2023
A local subset of mesenchymal cells expressing the transcription factor Osr1 orchestrates lymph node initiation
Lire plus03 mai 2022
07 mars 2022
28 févr. 2022
Identification of bipotent progenitors that give rise to myogenic and connective tissues in mouse.
Lire plus01 déc. 2021
16 juin 2021
Longitudinal high-resolution imaging through a flexible intravital imaging window
Lire plus25 mars 2021
19 nov. 2020
DSCB Department seminar: Yohanns Bellaïche, Institut Curie – “How does morphogenesis cope with cell and tissue size?”
Lire plus17 nov. 2020
Local retinoic acid signaling directs emergence of the extraocular muscle functional unit.
Lire plus30 oct. 2020
Transcriptome and epigenome diversity and plasticity of muscle stem cells following transplantation.
Lire plus18 sept. 2020
PhD Thesis Defense: “Regulatory roots of cranial muscle diversity: Developmental origins of muscular resilience”
Lire plus27 févr. 2020
Dullard-mediated Smad1/5/8 inhibition controls mouse cardiac neural crest cells condensation and outflow tract septation.
Lire plus25 sept. 2019
Ageing affects DNA methylation drift and transcriptional cell-to-cell variability in mouse muscle stem cells.
Lire plus01 mai 2019
High-Dimensional Single-Cell Cartography Reveals Novel Skeletal Muscle-Resident Cell Populations
Lire plus05 mars 2019
Combined Notch and PDGF Signaling Enhances Migration and Expression of Stem Cell Markers while Inducing Perivascular Cell Features in Muscle Satellite Cells.
Lire plus24 janv. 2019
01 janv. 2019
26 nov. 2018
Notchless defines a stage-specific requirement for ribosome biogenesis during lineage progression in adult skeletal myogenesis
Lire plus19 nov. 2018
Unique morphogenetic signatures define mammalian neck muscles and associated connective tissues
Lire plus29 oct. 2018
RhoA and ERK signalling regulate the expression of the transcription factor Nfix in myogenic cells.
Lire plus23 oct. 2018
Developmental and Cell Stem Biology Department seminar by Professor Igor Adameyko, Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Lire plus05 sept. 2018
PhD Thesis defense: “Implication of DNA damage and repair in viability and differentiation of muscle stem cells”
Lire plus01 sept. 2018
Notch-Induced miR-708 Antagonizes Satellite Cell Migration and Maintains Quiescence.
Lire plus27 juil. 2018
Distinct metabolic states govern skeletal muscle stem cell fates during prenatal and postnatal myogenesis
Lire plus06 juin 2018
Correction to: Comparison of multiple transcriptomes exposes unified and divergent features of quiescent and activated skeletal muscle stem cells.
Lire plus08 mai 2018
Direct Reprogramming of Mouse Fibroblasts into Functional Skeletal Muscle Progenitors.
Lire plus01 mai 2018
Reciprocal signalling by Notch-Collagen V-CALCR retains muscle stem cells in their niche.
Lire plus06 avr. 2018
15 mars 2018
Recapitulating early development of mouse musculoskeletal precursors of the paraxial mesoderm in vitro
Lire plus13 mars 2018
Loss of MyoD and Myf5 in Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells Results in Altered Myogenic Programming and Failed Regeneration.
Lire plus09 mars 2018
Small-RNA sequencing identifies dynamic microRNA deregulation during skeletal muscle lineage progression.
Lire plus01 janv. 2018
Inhibition of the Activin Receptor Type-2B Pathway Restores Regenerative Capacity in Satellite Cell-Depleted Skeletal Muscle.
Lire plus01 janv. 2018
01 janv. 2018
22 déc. 2017
Comparison of multiple transcriptomes exposes unified and divergent features of quiescent and activated skeletal muscle stem cells.
Lire plus02 oct. 2017
Effect of chemical immobilization of SDF-1α into muscle-derived scaffolds on angiogenesis and muscle progenitor recruitment
Lire plus12 août 2017
12 mai 2017
Notch ligands regulate the muscle stem-like state ex vivo but are not sufficient for retaining regenerative capacity
Lire plus02 mai 2017
Quiescence of human muscle stem cells is favored by culture on natural biopolymeric films
Lire plus06 avr. 2017
lncRNA-Encoded Polypeptide SPAR(s) with mTORC1 to Regulate Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
Lire plus29 mars 2017
SEMINAR ” Cardiomyocyte behavior and genetic compensation in zebrafish ” by Professor Didier Stainier
Lire plus28 mars 2017
09 mars 2017
13 févr. 2017
Cilia-mediated Hedgehog signaling controls form and function in the mammalian larynx
Lire plus01 févr. 2017
01 janv. 2017
22 déc. 2016
04 oct. 2016
SEMINAR ” Making faces: gene regulatory mechanisms in development, evolution and disease of the human neural crest “
Lire plus02 juin 2016
25 févr. 2016
Nfix Regulates Temporal Progression of Muscle Regeneration through Modulation of Myostatin Expression
Lire plus25 janv. 2016
16 nov. 2015
02 nov. 2015
27 oct. 2015
Numb is required to prevent p53-dependent senescence following skeletal muscle injury
Lire plus17 sept. 2015
03 août 2015
Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells to muscle fiber to model Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Lire plus27 juil. 2015
Characterisation of skeletal muscle stem cell properties in distinct physiological states
Lire plus10 juil. 2015
11 juin 2015
Chromatin signatures at Notch-regulated enhancers reveal large-scale changes in H3K56ac upon activation
Lire plus08 juin 2015
08 juin 2015
08 juin 2015
08 juin 2015
08 juin 2015
Genetic studies reveal differences between somite and cranial mesoderm derived muscles
Lire plus11 mai 2015
01 janv. 2015
01 déc. 2014
Variations in the efficiency of lineage marking and ablation confound distinctions between myogenic cell populations
Lire plus01 déc. 2014
Bmi1 enhances skeletal muscle regeneration through MT1-mediated oxidative stress protection in a mouse model of dystrophinopathy
Lire plus13 nov. 2014
Intracellular inactivation of thyroid hormone is a survival mechanism for muscle stem cell proliferation and lineage progression
Lire plus01 nov. 2014
More efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks in skeletal muscle stem cells compared to their committed progeny.
Lire plus07 juil. 2014
15 mai 2014
Cell adhesion geometry regulates non-random DNA segregation and asymmetric cell fates in mouse skeletal muscle stem cells
Lire plus01 mars 2014
Ballroom dancing with stem cells: placement and displacement in the intestinal crypt
Lire plus24 janv. 2014
01 janv. 2014
22 juil. 2013
13 mai 2013
01 mai 2013
01 mai 2013
25 avr. 2013
Embryonic founders of adult muscle stem cells are primed by the determination gene Mrf4
Lire plus01 janv. 2013
07 nov. 2012
Cell-autonomous Notch activity maintains the temporal specification potential of skeletal muscle stem cells
Lire plus05 nov. 2012
Cripto regulates skeletal muscle regeneration and modulates satellite cell determination by antagonizing myostatin
Lire plus15 sept. 2012
Sonic hedgehog acts cell-autonomously on muscle precursor cells to generate limb muscle diversity
Lire plus14 sept. 2012
01 sept. 2012
Six1 regulates stem cell repair potential and self-renewal during skeletal muscle regeneration
Lire plus24 févr. 2012
Myf5 haploinsufficiency reveals distinct cell fate potentials for adult skeletal muscle stem cells
Lire plus01 févr. 2012
A critical requirement for notch signaling in maintenance of the quiescent skeletal muscle stem cell state
Lire plus20 janv. 2012
A subpopulation of adult skeletal muscle stem cells retains all template DNA strands after cell division
Lire plus01 sept. 2011
Pax7-expressing satellite cells are indispensable for adult skeletal muscle regeneration
Lire plus19 août 2011
Integrated gene regulatory circuits: celebrating the 50(th) anniversary of the operon model
Lire plus01 juin 2011
20 avr. 2011
Biophysical stimuli induced by passive movements compensate for lack of skeletal muscle during embryonic skeletogenesis
Lire plus01 sept. 2010
The occipital lateral plate mesoderm is a novel source for vertebrate neck musculature
Lire plus01 août 2010
01 janv. 2010
Muscle resident macrophages control the immune cell reaction in a mouse model of notexin-induced myoinjury
Lire plus27 nov. 2009
Developing bones are differentially affected by compromised skeletal muscle formation
Lire plus01 nov. 2009
01 nov. 2009
Numb promotes an increase in skeletal muscle progenitor cells in the embryonic somite
Lire plus01 oct. 2009
01 sept. 2009
22 août 2009
Selenoprotein N is dynamically expressed during mouse development and detected early in muscle precursors
Lire plus01 juin 2009
Distinct regulatory cascades govern extraocular and pharyngeal arch muscle progenitor cell fates
Lire plus01 mars 2009
01 janv. 2009
Template DNA-strand co-segregation and asymmetric cell division in skeletal muscle stem cells
Lire plus01 janv. 2009
25 nov. 2008
01 oct. 2008
02 oct. 2007
11 sept. 2007
A role for the myogenic determination gene Myf5 in adult regenerative myogenesis
Lire plus01 juin 2007
07 févr. 2007
Muscle satellite cells and endothelial cells: close neighbors and privileged partners
Lire plus12 janv. 2007
Intrinsic phenotypic diversity of embryonic and fetal myoblasts is revealed by genome-wide gene expression analysis on purified cells
Lire plus25 juin 2006
Asymmetric division and cosegregation of template DNA strands in adult muscle satellite cells
Lire plus01 mai 2006
Integrin alpha6beta1-laminin interactions regulate early myotome formation in the mouse embryo.
Lire plus02 janv. 2006
Pax3 and Pax7 have distinct and overlapping functions in adult muscle progenitor cells.
Lire plus01 sept. 2005
Segmenting and tracking fluorescent cells in dynamic 3-D microscopy with coupled active surfaces
Lire plus15 juin 2005
Pax3/Pax7 mark a novel population of primitive myogenic cells during development
Lire plus10 juin 2005
01 nov. 2004
Analysis of Mlc-lacZ Met mutants highlights the essential function of Met for migratory precursors of hypaxial muscles and reveals a role for Met in the development of hyoid arch-derived facial muscles
Lire plus23 sept. 2004
15 mai 2004
An enhancer directs differential expression of the linked Mrf4 and Myf5 myogenic regulatory genes in the mouse.
Lire plus01 août 2003
Stem cells to tissue: molecular, cellular and anatomical heterogeneity in skeletal muscle
Lire plus01 août 2003
Analysis of a key regulatory region upstream of the Myf5 gene reveals multiple phases of myogenesis, orchestrated at each site by a combination of elements dispersed throughout the locus.
Lire plus15 juin 2003
Myf5 and MyoD activation define independent myogenic compartments during embryonic development
Lire plus15 nov. 2002
Kinetics of myoblast proliferation show that resident satellite cells are competent to fully regenerate skeletal muscle fibers.
Lire plus01 janv. 2002
09 janv. 1998
01 oct. 1997
04 avr. 1997
Redefining the genetic hierarchies controlling skeletal myogenesis: Pax-3 and Myf-5 act upstream of MyoD.
Lire plus21 nov. 1996
Muscle progenitor cells failing to respond to positional cues adopt non-myogenic fates in myf-5 null mice.
Lire plus01 juil. 1996
Gene targeting the myf-5 locus with nlacZ reveals expression of this myogenic factor in mature skeletal muscle fibres as well as early embryonic muscle.
Lire plus01 juin 1996
01 févr. 1995