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Françoise Dromer
Chercheur(euse) Permanent(e)
28 juin 2022

Active Surveillance Program to Increase Awareness on Invasive Fungal Diseases: the French RESSIF Network (2012 to 2018)

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14 juin 2022

Important publication by the French National Reference Center for Invasive Mycoses & Antifungals summarizing 7 years of nationwide surveillance of these severe infections

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17 mai 2022

Echinocandins Susceptibility Patterns of 2,787 Yeast Isolates: Importance of the Thresholds for the Detection of FKS Mutations.

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20 oct. 2021

COVID-19-Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis, Fungemia, and Pneumocystosis in the Intensive Care Unit: a Retrospective Multicenter Observational Cohort during the First French Pandemic Wave.

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18 mai 2021

Azole Susceptibility Profiles of More than 9,000 Clinical Yeast Isolates Belonging to 40 Common and Rare Species.

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04 mai 2021

Scedosporiosis/lomentosporiosis observational study (SOS): Clinical significance of Scedosporium species identification

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09 mars 2021

Evaluation of a New Histoplasma spp. Quantitative RT-PCR Assay.

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01 janv. 2021

No Impact of Fluconazole to Echinocandins Replacement as First-Line Therapy on the Epidemiology of Yeast Fungemia (Hospital-Driven Active Surveillance, 2004-2017, Paris, France).

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01 sept. 2020

Invasive Infections with Nannizziopsis obscura Species Complex in 9 Patients from West Africa, France, 2004-20201.

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01 sept. 2020

Epidemiological investigation for grouped cases of Trichosporon asahii using whole genome and IGS1 sequencing.

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01 sept. 2020

Saprochaete clavata Outbreak Infecting Cancer Center through Dishwasher.

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01 août 2020

Diagnostic implications of mycetoma derived from Madurella pseudomycetomatis isolates from Mexico.

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01 août 2020

Successful Terbinafine Treatment for Cutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis Caused by Trematosphaeria grisea in a Heart Transplanted Man: Case Report and Literature Review.

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01 juil. 2020

The genus Madurella: Molecular identification and epidemiology in Sudan.

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01 juil. 2020

Yarrowia lipolytica causes sporadic cases and local outbreaks of infections and colonisation.

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01 juin 2020

Emergence of azole resistant-Aspergillus fumigatus infections during STAT3-deficiency

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28 avr. 2020

Tracing the Evolutionary History and Global Expansion of Candida auris Using Population Genomic Analyses.

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01 mars 2020

Candida auris: epidemiological situation, laboratory capacity and preparedness in the European Union and European Economic Area*, January 2018 to May 2019.

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01 févr. 2020

Emerging mould infections: Get prepared to meet unexpected fungi in your patient.

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01 juil. 2019

Cryptococcus neoformans resists to drastic conditions by switching to viable but non-culturable cell phenotype.

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01 mai 2019

Isavuconazole MIC distribution of 29 yeast species responsible for invasive infections (2015-2017).

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01 avr. 2019

Diversity of coelomycetous fungi in human infections: A 10-y experience of two European reference centres.

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14 janv. 2019

Correction to: AMBIsome Therapy Induction OptimisatioN (AMBITION): High Dose AmBisome for Cryptococcal Meningitis Induction Therapy in sub-Saharan Africa: Study Protocol for a Phase 3 Randomised Controlled Non-Inferiority Trial.

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01 janv. 2019

Dual DNA Barcoding for the Molecular Identification of the Agents of Invasive Fungal Infections.

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23 nov. 2018

AMBIsome Therapy Induction OptimisatioN (AMBITION): High Dose AmBisome for Cryptococcal Meningitis Induction Therapy in sub-Saharan Africa: Study Protocol for a Phase 3 Randomised Controlled Non-Inferiority Trial.

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18 oct. 2018

Leave no one behind: response to new evidence and guidelines for the management of cryptococcal meningitis in low-income and middle-income countries

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18 juil. 2018

Impact of Routine Cryptococcal Antigen Screening and Targeted Preemptive Fluconazole Therapy in Antiretroviral-naive Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Adults With CD4 Cell Counts <100/μL: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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01 mai 2018

Titan cells formation in Cryptococcus neoformans is finely tuned by environmental conditions and modulated by positive and negative genetic regulators.

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24 avr. 2018

Outbreak of Invasive Wound Mucormycosis in a Burn Unit Due to Multiple Strains of Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides Resolved by Whole-Genome Sequencing.

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01 avr. 2018

Population Structure of Candida parapsilosis: No Genetic Difference Between French and Uruguayan Isolates Using Microsatellite Length Polymorphism.

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13 mars 2018

Cryptococcal Antigen Screening in Asymptomatic HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Naïve Patients in Cameroon and Evaluation of the New Semi-Quantitative Biosynex CryptoPS Test

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01 mars 2018

epidemiological situation, laboratory capacity and preparedness in European Union and European Economic Area countries, 2013 to 2017

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24 janv. 2018

Parallel derivation of isogenic human primed and naive induced pluripotent stem cells.

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16 janv. 2018

Distinctive roles of age, sex, and genetics in shaping transcriptional variation of human immune responses to microbial challenges.

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01 oct. 2017

Fundamental niche prediction of the pathogenic yeasts Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii in Europe.

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29 juin 2017

Cryptococcal meningitis: A neglected NTD?

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01 juin 2017

Predisposing factors and outcome of uncommon yeast species-related fungaemia based on an exhaustive surveillance programme (2002-14).

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01 mai 2017

The risk and clinical outcome of candidemia depending on underlying malignancy.

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11 janv. 2017

The Case for Adopting the “Species Complex” Nomenclature for the Etiologic Agents of Cryptococcosis

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01 nov. 2016

Environmental distribution of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii around the Mediterranean basin.

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25 juin 2016

Ten-Year Experience of Cutaneous and/or Subcutaneous Infections Due to Coelomycetes in France

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01 juin 2016

Environmental distribution of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii around the Mediterranean basin.

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01 janv. 2016

Diversity of Pneumocystis jirovecii during Infection Revealed by Ultra-Deep Pyrosequencing.

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15 oct. 2015

Whole genome sequencing to investigate an outbreak of mucormycosis in a burn unit

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01 sept. 2015

Absence of Fungal Spore Internalization by Bronchial Epithelium in Mouse Models Evidenced by a New Bioimaging Approach and Transmission Electronic Microscopy.

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27 août 2015

Prospective pilot study of high-dose (10 mg/kg/day) liposomal amphotericin B (L-AMB) for the initial treatment of mucormycosis

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09 juin 2015

Cryptococcosis Serotypes Impact Outcome and Provide Evidence of Cryptococcus neoformans Speciation.

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11 mai 2015


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31 mars 2015

Cryptococcus neoformans host adaptation: toward biological evidence of dormancy

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01 juil. 2014

Population-based analysis of invasive fungal infections, France, 2001-2010

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01 juin 2014

Misidentification of Saprochaete clavata as Magnusiomyces capitatus in clinical isolates: utility of internal transcribed spacer sequencing and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and importance of reliable databases.

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20 juin 2013

Flucytosine and cryptococcosis: time to urgently address the worldwide accessibility of a 50-year-old antifungal

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26 sept. 2012

Estimating the burden of mucormycosis infections in France (2005-2007) through a capture-recapture method on laboratory and administrative data

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29 mars 2012

Experimental murine model of disseminated infection by Saksenaea vasiformis: successful treatment with posaconazole

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01 févr. 2012

A global analysis of mucormycosis in France: the RetroZygo Study (2005-2007)

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01 janv. 2012

Candida spp. with acquired echinocandin resistance, France, 2004-2010.

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01 nov. 2011

Imported acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related histoplasmosis in metropolitan France: a comparison of pre-highly active anti-retroviral therapy and highly active anti-retroviral therapy eras

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01 nov. 2011

Prior caspofungin exposure in patients with hematological malignancies is a risk factor for subsequent fungemia due to decreased susceptibility in Candida spp.: a case-control study in Paris, France.

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10 juin 2011

Epidemiological trends in invasive aspergillosis in France: the SAIF network (2005-2007)

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01 nov. 2010

Unrecognized pretransplant and donor‐derived cryptococcal disease in organ transplant recipients

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06 oct. 2010

Molecular phylogeny and proposal of two new species of the emerging pathogenic fungus Saksenaea

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01 sept. 2010

Cutaneous cryptococcosis in solid organ transplant recipients

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17 juin 2010

Cryptococcal cell morphology affects host cell interactions and pathogenicity

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01 févr. 2010

Clinical practice guidelines for the management of cryptococcal disease: 2010 update by the infectious diseases society of america

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21 janv. 2010

Genotyping of Candida albicans using length fragment and high-resolution melting analyses together with minisequencing of a polymorphic microsatellite locus

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15 janv. 2010

Identifying predictors of central nervous system disease in solid organ transplant recipients with cryptococcosis

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28 déc. 2009

Idiopathic CD4+ T-cell lymphocytopenia is associated with impaired membrane expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR4

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15 déc. 2009

Coccidioidomycosis in a lung transplant recipient acquired from the donor graft in France

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01 déc. 2009

Lipid formulations of amphotericin B significantly improve outcome in solid organ transplant recipients with central nervous system cryptococcosis

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23 sept. 2009

Comparison of antifungal MICs for yeasts obtained using the EUCAST method in a reference laboratory and the Etest in nine different hospital laboratories

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16 sept. 2009

Molecular and phenotypic evaluation of Lichtheimia corymbifera (formerly Absidia corymbifera) complex isolates associated with human mucormycosis: rehabilitation of L. ramosa

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01 sept. 2009

Increasing incidence of zygomycosis (mucormycosis), France, 1997-2006

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01 déc. 2008

Managing cryptococcosis in the immunocompromised host

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15 nov. 2008

Cryptococcosis in solid organ transplant recipients: current state of the science

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20 oct. 2008

Evidence of a role for monocytes in dissemination and brain invasion by Cryptococcus neoformans

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15 sept. 2008

Central nervous system cryptococcosis in solid organ transplant recipients: clinical relevance of abnormal neuroimaging findings

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01 sept. 2008

Mutations in the fks1 gene in Candida albicans, C. tropicalis, and C. krusei correlate with elevated caspofungin MICs uncovered in AM3 medium using the method of the European Committee on Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing.

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01 juil. 2008

AIDS patient death caused by novel Cryptococcus neoformans x C. gattii hybrid

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16 avr. 2008

Cryptococcal neuroradiological lesions correlate with severity during cryptococcal meningoencephalitis in HIV-positive patients in the HAART era

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15 janv. 2008

Pulmonary cryptococcosis in solid organ transplant recipients: clinical relevance of serum cryptococcal antigen

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11 janv. 2008

EUCAST definitive document EDef 7.1: method for the determination of broth dilution MICs of antifungal agents for fermentative yeasts

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10 déc. 2007

Comparative in vitro activities of caspofungin and micafungin, determined using the method of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, against yeast isolates obtained in France in 2005-2006

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10 déc. 2007

Calcineurin inhibitor agents interact synergistically with antifungal agents in vitro against Cryptococcus neoformans isolates: correlation with outcome in solid organ transplant recipients with cryptococcosis

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01 déc. 2007

Platelia Aspergillus assay for diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis

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01 déc. 2007

Comparison of microsatellite length polymorphism and multilocus sequence typing for DNA-Based typing of Candida albicans.

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01 nov. 2007

Literature review and case histories of Histoplasma capsulatum var. duboisii infections in HIV-infected patients

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15 août 2007

Prevalence, determinants of positivity, and clinical utility of cryptococcal antigenemia in Cambodian HIV-infected patients

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18 juin 2007

In vitro susceptibility to posaconazole of 1,903 yeast isolates recovered in France from 2003 to 2006 and tested by the method of the European committee on antimicrobial susceptibility testing

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28 févr. 2007

Carbon assimilation profiles as a tool for identification of zygomycetes

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01 févr. 2007

Determinants of disease presentation and outcome during cryptococcosis: the CryptoA/D study

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23 janv. 2007

Cryptococcus neoformans in organ transplant recipients: impact of calcineurin-inhibitor agents on mortality

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14 déc. 2006

Candida albicans outbreak in a neurosurgical intensive care unit

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14 nov. 2006

Long-term outcome of AIDS-associated cryptococcosis in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy

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16 oct. 2006

Combination of amphotericin B with flucytosine is active in vitro against flucytosine-resistant isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans

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01 juil. 2006

Results obtained with various antifungal susceptibility testing methods do not predict early clinical outcome in patients with cryptococcosis

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01 juin 2006

Unique hybrids between the fungal pathogens Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii

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01 févr. 2006

Molecular identification of zygomycetes from culture and experimentally infected tissues

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31 janv. 2006

Fluconazole for the management of invasive candidiasis: where do we stand after 15 years?

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01 janv. 2006

Efficacy of amphotericin B in combination with flucytosine against flucytosine-susceptible or flucytosine-resistant isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans during disseminated murine cryptococcosis

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01 janv. 2006

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV-infected patients with disseminated histoplasmosis

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01 déc. 2005

Deletions of endocytic components VPS28 and VPS32 affect growth at alkaline pH and virulence through both RIM101-dependent and RIM101-independent pathways in Candida albicans

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01 sept. 2005

Breakthrough disseminated Aspergillus ustus infection in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients receiving voriconazole or caspofungin prophylaxis

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01 juil. 2005

Incidence and risk factors of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome complicating HIV-associated cryptococcosis in France

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01 juin 2005

Cryptococcus neoformans Galactoxylomannan contains an epitope(s) that is cross-reactive with Aspergillus Galactomannan

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01 avr. 2005

Evidence for human immunodeficiency virus and Cryptococcus neoformans interactions in the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses in blood during AIDS-associated cryptococcosis

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01 févr. 2005

The Yak1p kinase controls expression of adhesins and biofilm formation in Candida glabrata in a Sir4p-dependent pathway

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01 févr. 2005

Capsule structure changes associated with Cryptococcus neoformans crossing of the blood-brain barrier

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01 juin 2004

Cryptococcus neoformans capsule structure evolution in vitro and during murine infection

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01 avr. 2004

Pulmonary cryptococcosis

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01 mars 2004

In vitro evaluation of double and triple combinations of antifungal drugs against Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus

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20 févr. 2004

Epidemiology of HIV-associated cryptococcosis in France (1985-2001): comparison of the pre- and post-HAART eras

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01 oct. 2003

In vitro interaction of flucytosine with conventional and new antifungals against Cryptococcus neoformans clinical isolates

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01 juin 2003

Multicenter evaluation of the reproducibility of the proposed antifungal susceptibility testing method for fermentative yeasts of the Antifungal Susceptibility Testing Subcommittee of the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AFST-EUCAST)

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01 mai 2003

Antigenic and biological characteristics of mutant strains of Cryptococcus neoformans lacking capsular O acetylation or xylosyl side chains

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01 mars 2003

Effect of efflux inhibition on brain uptake of itraconazole in mice infected with Cryptococcus neoformans

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01 mars 2003

An outbreak of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis in members of a trekking trip in Martinique, French West Indies

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17 janv. 2003

Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis: a distinct clinical entity

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01 déc. 2002

Synthetic analogues of beta-1,2 oligomannosides prevent intestinal colonization by the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans

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01 sept. 2002

The siderophore iron transporter of Candida albicans (Sit1p/Arn1p) mediates uptake of ferrichrome-type siderophores and is required for epithelial invasion

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02 août 2002

Pathogenesis of cerebral Cryptococcus neoformans infection after fungemia

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01 août 2002

Isolation and characterization of capsule structure mutant strains of Cryptococcus neoformans

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01 mai 2002

Complete glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors are required in Candida albicans for full morphogenesis, virulence and resistance to macrophages

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01 févr. 2002

Cryptococcal meningitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii, serotype C, in AIDS patients in Soweto, South Africa

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01 janv. 2002

Influence of gender and age on course of infection and cytokine responses in mice with disseminated Cryptococcus neoformans infection

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01 oct. 2001

Cas1p is a membrane protein necessary for the O-acetylation of the Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide

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01 avr. 2001

Are two Cryptococcus neoformans strains epidemiologically linked?

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01 avr. 2001

Hybrid genotypes in the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans

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01 févr. 2001

Susceptibilities of Cryptococcus neoformans strains to platelet binding in vivo and to the fungicidal activity of thrombin-induced platelet microbicidal proteins in vitro

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08 déc. 2000

Immune mediators in cerebrospinal fluid during cryptococcosis are influenced by meningeal involvement and human immunodeficiency virus serostatus

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01 juin 2000

Administration of endotoxin associated with lipopolysaccharide tolerance protects mice against fungal infection

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01 juin 2000

Do kinetics of the humoral response to Cryptococcus neoformans proteins during murine cryptococcosis reflect outcome?

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01 janv. 2000

Cryptococcosis: clinical and biological aspects

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01 déc. 1999

Cytokine profiles of AIDS patients are similar to those of mice with disseminated Cryptococcus neoformans infection

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01 nov. 1999

Enhanced sensitivity of tumor necrosis factor/lymphotoxin-alpha-deficient mice to Cryptococcus neoformans infection despite increased levels of nitrite/nitrate, interferon-gamma, and interleukin-12

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01 oct. 1999

Epidemiological evidence for dormant Cryptococcus neoformans infection

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01 juin 1999

Fungemia during murine cryptococcosis sheds some light on pathophysiology

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01 juin 1999

Fluconazole, with or without dexamethasone for experimental cryptococcosis: impact of treatment timing

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01 janv. 1998

Antifungal drug resistance in pathogenic fungi

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01 oct. 1997

DNA typing suggests pigeon droppings as a source of pathogenic Cryptococcus neoformans serotype D

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15 juil. 1997

Oral transmission of Candida albicans between partners in HIV-infected couples could contribute to dissemination of fluconazole-resistant isolates

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01 juil. 1996

Individual and environmental factors associated with infection due to Cryptococcus neoformans serotype D. French Cryptococcosis Study Group

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01 juil. 1996

Epidemiology of cryptococcosis in France: a 9-year survey (1985-1993). French Cryptococcosis Study Group

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01 mai 1996

Comparison of the efficacy of amphotericin B and fluconazole in the treatment of cryptococcosis in human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients: retrospective analysis of 83 cases. French Cryptococcosis Study Group

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01 déc. 1995

Contribution of molecular typing methods and antifungal susceptibility testing to the study of a candidemia cluster in a burn care unit

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01 avr. 1995

Trichoderma pseudokoningii as a cause of fatal infection in a bone marrow transplant recipient

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01 avr. 1995

Myeloradiculitis due to Cryptococcus curvatus in AIDS

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01 mars 1995

Fluconazole concentrations in saliva from AIDS patients with oropharyngeal candidosis refractory to treatment with fluconazole

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01 oct. 1994

Molecular typing of Cryptococcus neoformans serotype D clinical isolates

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01 sept. 1994

Molecular and idiotypic analysis of antibodies to Cryptococcus neoformans glucuronoxylomannan

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01 févr. 1993

Serotyping of Cryptococcus neoformans by using a monoclonal antibody specific for capsular polysaccharide

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01 janv. 1992

Recent advances in biology and immunology of Cryptococcus neoformans

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01 janv. 1992

Isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii from an Asian patient in France: evidence for dormant infection in healthy subjects

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01 mai 1991

Improved amphotericin B activity by a monoclonal anti-Cryptococcus neoformans antibody: study during murine cryptococcosis and mechanisms of action

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01 nov. 1990

Improvement of amphotericin B activity during experimental cryptococcosis by incorporation into specific immunoliposomes

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01 déc. 1989

Role of IgG and complement component C5 in the initial course of experimental cryptococcosis

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01 janv. 1988

Cryptococcus neoformans antibody levels in patients with AIDS

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01 janv. 1988

Genetic control of the humoral response to cryptococcal capsular polysaccharide in mice

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01 mars 1987

Production, characterization, and antibody specificity of a mouse monoclonal antibody reactive with Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide

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01 mars 1987

Protection of mice against experimental cryptococcosis by anti-Cryptococcus neoformans monoclonal antibody

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