Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 38485715
Lien vers HAL – pasteur-04511551
Lien DOI – 10.1038/s41398-024-02853-8
Transl Psychiatry 2024 Mar; 14(1): 146
There is growing evidence that autoantibodies (AAbs) against proteins expressed in the brain are playing an important role in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Here, we explore the presence and the role of peripheral AAbs to the α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) in inflammatory subgroups of psychiatric patients with bipolar disorder (BD) or schizophrenia (SCZ) and healthy controls. We have identified a continuum of AAb levels in serum when employing a novel ELISA technique, with a significant elevation in patients compared to controls. Using unsupervised two-step clustering to stratify all the subjects according to their immuno-inflammatory background, we delineate one subgroup consisting solely of psychiatric patients with severe symptoms, high inflammatory profile, and significantly increased levels of anti-nAChR AAbs. In this context, we have used monoclonal mouse anti-human α7-nAChR antibodies (α7-nAChR-mAbs) and shown that TNF-α release was enhanced upon LPS stimulation in macrophages pre-incubated with α7-nAChR-mAbs compared to the use of an isotype control. These findings provide a basis for further study of circulating nicotinic AAbs, and the inflammatory profile observed in patients with major mood and psychotic disorders.