Lien vers Pubmed [PMID] – 1354833
Mol. Microbiol. 1992 Jul;6(14):1887-94
The PulO protein required for extracellular secretion of pullulanase by Klebsiella oxytoca is known to be highly homologous to two type IV prepilin peptidases, namely XcpA(PilD) (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and TcpJ (Vibrio cholerae). The predicted prepilin peptidase activity of PulO was confirmed by showing that it could correctly process the product of the cloned pilE.1 type IV pilin structural gene from Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Escherichia coli. The P. aeruginosa prepilin peptidase and another putative prepilin peptidase, ComC from Bacillus subtilis, also processed prePilE. Subcellular fractionation showed that the pilE gene product that had been processed by PulO remained associated with the cytoplasmic membrane, as did the unprocessed precursor. PulO was also shown to process three of the four prePilE-PhoA hybrids tested. Southern hybridization experiments suggest that a pulO homologue is present in the N. gonorrhoeae chromosome.