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2024ATG16L1 induces the formation of phagophore-like membrane cups., Nat Struct Mol Biol 2024 Jun; (): .
2023Functional maturation of human iPSC-derived pyramidal neurons in vivo is dependent on proximity with the host tissue., Front Cell Neurosci 2023 ; 17(): 1259712.
2017Human polymorphisms in nicotinic receptors: a functional analysis in iPS-derived dopaminergic neurons., FASEB J 2017 02; 31(2): 828-839.
2015Modeling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in pure human iPSc-derived motor neurons isolated by a novel FACS double selection technique, Neurobiol. Dis. 2015 Oct;82:269-80.
2014Immunohistochemical toolkit for tracking and quantifying xenotransplanted human stem cells, Regen Med 2014;9(4):437-52.
2013Combination of hypoglossal-facial nerve surgical reconstruction and neurotrophin-3 gene therapy for facial palsy, J. Neurosurg. 2013 Sep;119(3):739-50.
2011Modeling neuronal defects associated with a lysosomal disorder using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells, Hum. Mol. Genet. 2011 Sep;20(18):3653-66.
2011Neurotrophin 3 improves delayed reconstruction of sensory pathways after cervical dorsal root injury, Neurosurgery 2011 Feb;68(2):450-61; discussion 461.
2009Combination of microsurgery and gene therapy for spinal dorsal root injury repair, Mol. Ther. 2009 Jun;17(6):992-1002.
2008Directed evolution of motor neurons from genetically engineered neural precursors, Stem Cells 2008 Oct;26(10):2564-75.
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