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2025Spatiotemporal dynamics of fetal liver hematopoietic niches., J Exp Med 2025 Feb; 222(2): .
2023Spatiotemporal dynamics of cytokines expression dictate fetal liver hematopoiesis., bioRxiv 2023 Aug; (): .
2023Assembling the layers of the hematopoietic system: A window of opportunity for thymopoiesis in the embryo., Immunol Rev. 2023 May;315(1):54-70.
2022Identification of fetal liver stroma in spectral cytometry using the parameter autofluorescence., Cytometry A 2022 101 (11): 960-969.
2020Crosstalk Between the Hepatic and Hematopoietic Systems During Embryonic Development., Front Cell Dev Biol 2020 ; 8(): 612.
2020Hematopoiesis: A Layered Organization Across Chordate Species., Front Cell Dev Biol 2020 ; 8(): 606642.