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Projets Transversaux
2024Communication between DNA polymerases and Replication Protein A within the archaeal replisome., Nat Commun 2024 Dec; 15(1): 10926.
2024Crystal structures of monomeric BsmI restriction endonuclease reveal a coordinated action of its two distinct active sites to sequentially cleave the two DNA strands, Communications Biology.
2023Molecular basis for proofreading by the unique exonuclease domain of Family-D DNA polymerases., Nat Commun 2023 Dec; 14(1): 8306.
2023The universal Sua5/TsaC family evolved different mechanisms for the synthesis of a key tRNA modification, Volume 14 .
2023DNA-binding mechanism and evolution of replication protein A., Nat Commun 2023 Apr; 14(1): 2326.
2021Fast and efficient purification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase complex expressed in Escherichia coli., PLoS One 2021 ; 16(4): e0250610.
2020Novel ribonucleotide discrimination in the RNA polymerase-like two-barrel catalytic core of Family D DNA polymerases., Nucleic Acids Res 2020 12; 48(21): 12204-12218.
2020Structural basis for the increased processivity of D-family DNA polymerases in complex with PCNA., Nat Commun 2020 03; 11(1): 1591.
2019The Extended “Two-Barrel” Polymerases Superfamily: Structure, Function and Evolution, J Mol Biol. 2019 Sep 20;431(20):4167-4183. .
2019The Extended “Two-Barrel” Polymerases Superfamily: Structure, Function and Evolution., J Mol Biol 2019 09; 431(20): 4167-4183.
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