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Anciennes Équipes
2023Genome sequence-based identification of Enterobacter strains and description of Enterobacter pasteurii sp. nov., Microbiol Spectr 2024 Jan; 12(1): e0315023.
2023Corrigendum: Chryseobacterium oryctis sp. nov., isolated from the gut of the beetle Oryctes rhinoceros, and Chryseobacterium kimseyorum sp. nov., isolated from a stick insect rearing cage., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023 Aug; 73(8): .
2023Serratia silvae sp. nov., Isolated from Forest Soil., Curr Microbiol 2023 Feb; 80(4): 114.
2022Streptomyces durocortorensis sp. nov., isolated from oak rhizosphere., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022 Sep; 72(9): .
2022A comprehensive resource for Bordetella genomic epidemiology and biodiversity studies., Nat Commun 2022 Jul; 13(1): 3807.
2022Implementation status of non-communicable disease control program at primary health care level in Bangladesh: Findings from a qualitative research., Public Health Pract (Oxf) 2022 Jun; 3(): 100271.
2022Responsible Research and Innovation Framework, the Nagoya Protocol and Other European Blue Biotechnology Strategies and Regulations: Gaps Analysis and Recommendations for Increased Knowledge in the Marine Biotechnology Community., Mar Drugs 2022 Apr; 20(5): .
2021Streptomyces silvae sp. nov., isolated from forest soil., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021 Dec; 71(12): .
2020Flavobacterium bizetiae sp. nov., isolated from diseased freshwater fish in Canada at the end of the 1970s., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020 Nov; (): .
2020Yersinia artesiana sp. nov., Yersinia proxima sp. nov., Yersinia alsatica sp. nov., Yersina vastinensis sp. nov., Yersinia thracica sp. nov. and Yersinia occitanica sp. nov., isolated from humans and animals., Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020 Oct; 70(10): 5363-5372.
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