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Anciennes Équipes
2025Antibody-secreting cell repertoires hold high-affinity anti-rocuronium specificities that can induce anaphylaxis in vivo., J Allergy Clin Immunol 2025 Jan; (): .
2024Rocuronium-specific antibodies drive perioperative anaphylaxis but can also function as reversal agents in preclinical models., Sci Transl Med 2024 Sep; 16(764): eado4463.
2021A Comparative Study on the Efficiency of Two Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP)-Derived Lipopeptides of L3P and L5P as Capture Antigens in an In-House Milk ELISA Test., Vaccines (Basel) 2021 Sep; 9(9): .
2021Engineering Synthetic Lipopeptide Antigen for Specific Detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Infection., Front Vet Sci 2021 ; 8(): 637841.
2020The fully synthetic glycopeptide MAG-Tn3 therapeutic vaccine induces tumor-specific cytotoxic antibodies in breast cancer patients., Cancer Immunol Immunother 2020 May; 69(5): 703-716.
2019Cleaved CD31 as a target for in vivo molecular imaging of inflammation., Sci Rep 2019 Dec; 9(1): 19560.
2019An IgG-induced neutrophil activation pathway contributes to human drug-induced anaphylaxis, Sci Transl Med. 2019 Jul 10: Vol. 11, Issue 500, eaat1479 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aat1479 .
2017Cell wall peptidolipids of Mycobacterium avium: from genetic prediction to exact structure of a nonribosomal peptide., Mol Microbiol 2017 Aug; 105(4): 525-539.
2017Rearranged Biosynthetic Gene Cluster and Synthesis of Hassallidin E in Planktothrix serta PCC 8927, ACS Chem Biol 2017 Jul; 12(7): 1796-1804.
2017Large-scale synthesis and structural analysis of a synthetic glycopeptide dendrimer as an anti-cancer vaccine candidate, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017, 15, 114 - 123.
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