Apr 2018
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Bâtiment: MONOD
2018-04-05 11:00:00
2018-04-05 12:30:00
“The systems genetics of aging : evolutionary, functional and pharmacological perspectives” by Patrick C. PHILLIPS – Genomes and Genetics departemental seminar
Patrick C. Phillips, Ph.D. Acting Executive Director | Professor of Biology Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact Abstract: Aging is the inevitable fate of all organisms yet is […]
Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Louis Lambrechts
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Bâtiment: MONOD
Adresse: Institut Pasteur, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
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Microbiology departement seminar : Brandon Jutras (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA) ; Friday, September 15th @11.30am ; Auditorium F.JacobMathieu Picardeau
GenEpi-BioTrain – Virtual training – Focus on the Agents of Whooping Cough
From systems biology to damage limitation in Aspergillosis – Elaine BignellJessica Quintin
SEMINAR “Regulation of the blood-brain barrier in health and disease” by Professor Richard DanemanPauline Speder
PhD Defense – Mathieu Von Joest: “Dissecting the Non-Cell Autonomous Impact of Cellular Senescence on Cellular Reprogramming”.Han Li
Séminaire Inter Carnot et lancement de l’appel à projet conjoint Pasteur MS / France Futur Élevage
Microbes & Brain SEMINAR: « Microbiota-regulated innervation of the adult gut »Gabriel Lepousez
Graduate Student Fellowships to Study Human Mucosal ImmunityJames Di Santo
Covid-19, un an après : persistance des anticorps protecteurs et réduction significative du risque de réinfectionArnaud Fontanet
SEMINAR “DMRT1 and regulation of gonadal cell fate, from genomic to atomic scale”Kenneth McElreavey
Antibodies capable of eliminating HIV-infected cellsTimothée Bruel
MOOC on HIV Science (registration free)Michaela Muller-Trutwin
M2 internship position in cancer immunology: Tissue resident CD8+ T cells and dendritic cells in lung cancer.
Post-doctoral position: exploring host-microbe interaction at the nasal passageMichael Connor
Postdoc Position – Molecular mechanism of SARS-CoV2 replication – starting October 2022Thomas Wollert
Postdoctoral Position in Félix Rey’s Structural Virology groupMarija Backovic
Postdoc postion – Structural biology of type IV pili machineriesGuillaume Dumenil
Postdoctoral and engineering positions in mathematical/statistical modelling of epidemics