Project Silence to cure: stabilize chromatin for the management of diseases with inflammatory components
Assistant Professor Guilherme Dias de Melo Trypanosomatids Infectious Processes Guilherme Dias de Melo is veterinarian. He obtained his degree in Veterinary Medicine (december 2010), his MD in Veterinary Sciences (june 2012) and his PhD in Veterinary Sciences (june 2015) at the Sao Paulo […]
Project ANR Patho-Methylome – The role of lysine methylation in host-pathogen interactions Jonathan Weitzman
Project FP7 Targeting the Leishmania kinome for the development of novel anti-parasitic strategies (LeishDrug) Gérald Spaeth
Project ANR TransLeish – Discovery of druggable protein kinases in the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani using hit compounds identified by phenotypic screening Najma Rachidi • Gérald Spaeth
Project ANR TranSig – Trans-signalling: A novel mechanism of Leishmania host cell immune evasion through the release of parasite signalling proteins Najma Rachidi
Project PTR 539 – A multilevel systems approach to elucidate the host-Leishmania interactome and to identify host targets for anti-leishmanial drug discovery Joo Hwan No
Project PTR 496 – Investigating the reciprocal relationship between macrophage inflammasome activity and intracellular Leishmania infection Eric Prina