Growthpred predicts bacterial minimal doubling times by analysing codon usage bias in genomes and metagenomes.
The program takes a set of DNA protein coding sequences, searches for ribosomal protein coding genes and translates all genes into proteins. The codon usage in ribosomal protein coding genes and the other genes allows to build a set of codon usage indexes. The amino acid composition is used to predict optimal growth temperature. The codon usage biases and optimal growth temperature are then used to predict optimal growth rates.
Authors: Sara Vieira-Silva, Eduardo PC Rocha.
Files: http://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/gensoft/projects/growthpred/
Availability: https://galaxy.pasteur.fr/root?tool_id=toolshed.pasteur.fr%2Frepos%2Fkhillion%2Fgrowthpred%2Fgrowthpred%2F1.07