Grid and cloud computing [10]

ARIAweb: a server for automated NMR structure calculation
Benjamin Bardiaux

HPC Core Facility
Youssef Ghorbal

IT Infrastructure and Engineering for Science
Youssef Ghorbal

Bryan Brancotte
Expertise group : WINTER – Web integration
I’m a research engineer working on web development, data visualization and integration, and container technologies. A recent example of my skills is ViralHostRangeDB [Lamy-Besnier et al., 2021] I graduated as an engineer in computer […]

François Laurent
Decision and Bayesian Computation – Epiméthée
Biomolecule random walk analysis I am in charge of developping the TRamWAy Python library for random walk analysis. The library features multiple tools to build processing chains/pipelines for the spatial or spatio-temporal resolution of […]

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager

Véronique Legrand
HPC Core Facility
Software development engineer: from major industrial projects (energy, aeronautics) to software edition (artificial intelligence & image processing). I am truly enthousiastic about using my skills at the service of scientific research. Most recent education […]

Fabien Mareuil
Expertise group : WINTER – Web integration
After a Master degree in Genome Analysis and Molecular Modeling at Denis Diderot University, I did a PhD in NMR / bioinformatics at Denis Diderot University, where I worked on the development and use […]