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Starting Date
Mar 2017
Ending Date
Feb 2036


A full-day mini-symposium dedicated to translational research. This event is organised since 2015 by the Centre de recherche Translationnelle and was organised since 2007 by the former Center for Human Immunology now part of the center.

Next edition : not yet scheduled

Programs of the previous editions:

2021 : Cancer and Immunotherapy, online event

Caroline Robert, Ignacio Melero, Sophie Postel, Anne Dejean, Emanuela Romano, Yardena Samuels, Olivier Lantz, Philippe Bousso, Michel Sadelain

Download the 2021 program



2019 : Vaccine & HBV/HIV Cure

Geneviève Chêne, Fabrice Carrat, Chetan Chitnis, Jean Lang, Yves Lévy, Asier Saez-Cirion, Lisa Chakrabarti, Ulrike Protzer, Fabien Zoulim, Hugues Fischer

Round table HBV/HIV cure: Progress and Pitfalls?  Hélène Strick-Marchand



2018 : Ageing, psychiatry and microbiota

Jean-Antoine Girault, Sandrine Thuret, Chantal Henry, Fani Koukouli, Claudio Franceschi, Clément Crochemore, Dario Riccardo Valenzano, Lida Katsimpardi, Ted Dinan, Giulia Nigro, Benjamin Davido,

Round Table: Microbota in health


 2017 : Cancerology, infectious disease, vaccinology

Aurelien Marabelle, David Michonneau, Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Felix Rey, Marc Lecuit, Thierry Naas, Nadine Cerf-Bensussan, Harry Sokol, Nicolas Glaichenhaus

Debate : Vaccination: Challenges for Health and Society with Alain Fischer

download the 2017 Program



2016 : Human genetics, infectious disease, immunology

Olivier Hermine, Jean Marc Ghigo, Friederike Jonsson, Stephen Beck, Matthew Albert, Sonia Abelhak, Marc Tardieu, Vivienne Parry,

Round Table : Comprendre le génome humain et le modifier : espoirs et implications éthiques



2015 : A path towards personalized medicine

W. Ian Lipkin, Federica Sallusto, Jacques Fellay, Heiner Wedemeyer, Peter Openshaw, Jean Michel Heard, Hugo Mouquet, Fabrice Chrétien, Shahragim Tajbakhsh, Catherine Goujon

Round table : la place de la médecine de précision