Children’s Antibiotic Resistance colonization and Route of Transmission.
The aim of this program is to assess the transmission of enterobacteria resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporines (EBRCIIIG) in hospitalized neonates in two low income countries (LIC). Tow prospective cohorts from two different pediatric wards are built. The first one took place in the CENHOSOA hospital (a military hospital) in Antananarivo (Madagascar) in 2015. The second one will take place in the Complexe Pédiatrique de Bangui in 2016, in Bangui, Centrafrique.
Mathematical models are developed to analyse the collected data in order to estimate the transmission parameters of the different clones, and to assess the role of the different transmission routes for the colonisation of neonates. We will explore the role of different factors, such as the colonisation status of the mother, of the nurses, the environment etc.. Funding by Action concertée Interpasteuriennes (ACIP 2013)
Keywords: Bacteria, Antibiotic-resistance, Neonates, Transmission, Modelling, Madagascar