West Nile virus [18]

Anna-Bella Failloux
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
I am proud to say that I am an entomologist! I did my PhD on population genetics of mosquito vectors at the Institute of Evolutionary Sciences at Montpellier (France). In French Polynesia, at the […]

Victor Narat
Chargé de Recherche au CNRS (Unité d’Eco-anthropologie), mes recherches portent sur les interactions entre humains et primates non-humains, particulièrement les grands singes, à la fois dans une perspective de conservation de la biodiversité et […]

Groupe Arbovirus
Jean-Claude Manuguerra

Pôle d’Identification Virale (PIV)
Jessica Vanhomwegen

Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats
The Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats (CIBU) was created at the end of 2002 at the instigation of the Director General of Health (DGS) and the Director General of the Institut Pasteur, […]

Preventing vector-borne diseases around the mediterranean and black sea regions by creating a One Health network of laboratories Countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions share common public health issues and threats. The MediLabSecure […]

Maryse Brandt
Malaria Infection & Immunity
LOCALISATIONS / CONTACTS maryse.brandt@pasteur.fr, tel : +33 1 40 61 39 91 – SERGENT BUILDING n° 25, 28 rue du Docteur Roux 75015 Paris. 5th floor, left side, office n° 06.. assistant of Chetan […]

Environment and Infectious Risks
Jean-Claude Manuguerra

Arboviruses and Insect Vectors
Anna-Bella Failloux

Isabelle Staropoli
Antiviral Activities of Antibodies

Pierre Charneau
Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory

Célestine Atyame Nten
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors

Marie Vazeille
Arboviruses and Insect Vectors

Thérèse Couderc