Spleen [5]
Group: Allergy and Autoimmunity
Friederike Jönsson
Permanent Researcher
Claire Maudet-Crépin
Biology of infection
Full Professor
Permanent Researcher
Olivier Dussurget
Group : Bacterial Pathogenesis and Antibacterial Agents
In a globalized world heading for a post-antibiotic era, refined understanding of human, animal and environmental interactions with pathogenic bacteria is of utmost importance. The primary aim of our research is to discover bacterial […]
Research Engineer
Pascale Pescher
Molecular Parasitology and Signaling
Pascale Pescher is a research engineer in the unit ‘Parasitologie moléculaire et signalisation’. She started her career working on host-mycobacteria interactions and since 2006 joined the field of Leishmania research studying the molecular basis […]