Chlamydia [19]

Cellular Biology of Microbial Infection

Rita Azevedo
Rita Azevedo joined as a research engineer in 2022 at Matondo’s Proteomics Platform, Mass Spectrometry for Biology Utechs (MSBio), Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. She is involved in a conjunct project between Institut Pasteur and […]

Fabien Compeau
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Klementina Borovnik
Cellular Biology of Microbial Infection
I am a PhD student* with biomedical background from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, with previous experience in the fields of immunology and microbiology. In the lab of Agathe Subtil, my work will focus on investigation of […]

Chongfa Tang

Daniel Hamaoui
Daniel Hamaoui obtained his PhD from the University of Nice Côte d’Azur in the Lab of Dr. Emmanuel Lemichez. During his PhD, Daniel worked on the ubiquitylation of RhoGTPases in relation to mechanosensing and […]

Maimouna Djamila N’Gadjaga
Djamila joined our group for her Master’s degree internship wanting to study more the cellular aspect of host-pathogen interaction. She studied the consequences of inhibiting Chlamydia trachomatis’ Type III Secretion System on the development of the […]

Innate immune response to C. trachomatis infection in the female genital tract
Yongzheng Wu

Elisabeth Menu

Catherine Dauga

Lulla Opatowski
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Lulla Opatowski is professor in Mathematical Epidemiology (University of Versailles Saint Quentin – UVSQ). My main research interests are in mathematical modelling of infectious disease and statistical inference, with a particular interest in bacterial […]

Elisabeth Menu
Center for Immunology of Viral Infections, Autoimmune, Haematological and bacterial diseases (ImVA-HB) CEA/DRF/Jacob/IDMIT, Université Paris-Saclay, INSERM U1184 Bâtiment 62-3ème étage 18 route du Panorama 92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses ET Institut Pasteur Département de Virologie Groupe MISTIC

Didier Guillemot
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)

Cellular Biology of Microbial Infection
Agathe Subtil