Members [All]
Decision and Bayesian Computation – Epiméthée
Alexis BénichouPhD Student -
Decision and Bayesian Computation – Epiméthée
Alexandre BlancPhD Student -
Technologies and Gene Therapy for Deafness
Jérôme NevouxPhysician -
Progressive Sensory Disorders, PathoPhysiology and Therapy
Chloe FelgerollePost-doc -
Technologies and Gene Therapy for Deafness
Maxence CornillePost-doc -
Technologies and Gene Therapy for Deafness
Ghizlene LahlouPhysician -
Hearing Institute Bioimaging Core Facility
Beatrix MehaResearch Engineer -
Technologies and Gene Therapy for Deafness
Baptiste PlionResearch Engineer -
Technologies and Gene Therapy for Deafness
Marie Jose LecomteProject Manager -
Cochlear development and therapeutic perspectives
Carla Barbosa SpinolaPhD Student -
Plasticity of central auditory circuits
Camille DejeanPhD Student -
Plasticity of central auditory circuits
Carolina De Campos PinaPhD Student -
Plasticity of central auditory circuits
Olivier PostalPhD Student -
Plasticity of central auditory circuits
Philippe JeanPost-doc -
Plasticity of central auditory circuits
Boris GourévitchPermanent Researcher -
Auditory system dynamics and multisensory processing
Anthony RenardPhD Student -
Auditory system dynamics and multisensory processing
Antonin VerdierPhD Student -
Auditory system dynamics and multisensory processing
Etienne GosselinPhD Student -
Auditory system dynamics and multisensory processing
Sara JamaliPhD Student -
Auditory system dynamics and multisensory processing
Sophie BagurPost-doc