Members [All]
Machine Learning for integrative genomics
Remi TrimbourPhD Student -
Cyprien NobleMaster Student
Data Management Core Facility
Achilleas PitsillidesResearch Engineer -
Stefan NicolescuMaster Student
Saline JabrePost-doc
Chemogenomic and Biological Screening Platform (PF-CCB)
Lucas FacchinettiResearch Engineer -
Group: Biochemistry and chemobiology
Nawëll BelcaïdMaster Student -
Jolyn OostersUndergraduate Student -
Sina SommerPhD Student -
Max BakerPost-doc -
Juan Manuel BattagliottiPost-doc -
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
Romain VillaPhD Student -
Neural coding and neuroengineering of human speech functions
Rémy MassonResearch Engineer -
Stem Cells And Development
Giada MuraPost-doc -
Human Disease Models core facility
Rémy YimUndergraduate Student -
hannah Simmons HovorkaMaster Student
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
Sophie DauzetProject Manager -
Sébastien VelutResearch Engineer
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
Eli BarthomePhD Student -
Pathogen discovery
Léa VendraminiTechnician