Members [Phd Student]
Group: ILC development and inflammation
Paloma HeddePhD Student -
Germain NiogretPhD Student
Membrane Traffic and Pathogenesis
Thea ChrysostomouPhD Student -
Hippolyte VerdierPhD Student
Molecular Parasitology and Signaling
Paul JenkinsPhD Student -
Marie BourdonPhD Student
Anaïs CazalsPhD Student
Yekta KesenciPhD Student
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Eve RahbéPhD Student -
Molecular Mechanisms of Pathological and Physiological Ageing
Tara FournierPhD Student -
Roberto NotarioPhD Student
Olga KorenkovaPhD Student
Bacterial Cell Cycle Mechanisms
Julienne PetitPhD Student -
HIV, Inflammation and Persistence
Aurelio Orta-ResendizPhD Student -
Physics of Biological Function
Marcia PeixotoPost-doc -
Epigenetic Chemical Biology
Alexandra FillionPhD Student -
Zebrafish Neurogenetics
Mathilde ChoulyPhD Student -
Progressive Sensory Disorders, PathoPhysiology and Therapy
Maureen WentlingPhD Student -
Camille SousPhD Student
Samuel KublerPhD Student