Members [All]
UMR3525 CNRS/Institut Pasteur – Genetics of genomes
Eduardo RochaHead of Structure -
Leptospira adaptation to oxidative stress
Nadia BenaroudjPermanent Researcher -
Biology of Spirochetes
Mathieu PicardeauHead of Structure -
Biology of Spirochetes
Pascale BourhyDeputy Director of National Reference Center -
Plasticity of central auditory circuits
Typhaine DupontResearch Engineer -
Group: Biochemistry and chemobiology
Hélène Munier-LehmannGroup Leader -
Sylvie PochetGroup Leader
Epigenetic Chemical Biology
Sophie Vichier-GuerrePermanent Researcher -
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Mylène MauryResearch Engineer -
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Marie Touchonmember -
Epigenetic Chemical Biology
Frédéric BonhommeResearch Engineer -
Vibrios and Cholera
Annick Robert-PillotPermanent Researcher -
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
Marie-Laure QuiliciPermanent Researcher -
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
Francois-Xavier WeillHead of Structure -
Group : Milieu Intérieur
Lluis Quintana-MurciHead of Structure -
Human Evolutionary Genetics
Guillaume LavalPermanent Researcher -
Human Evolutionary Genetics
Maxime RotivalPermanent Researcher -
Human Evolutionary Genetics
Etienne PatinPermanent Researcher -
Anaerobic Bacteria and Botulism
Christelle MazuetHead of Structure -
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
Laétitia FabreResearch Engineer