Marie FLAMAND leads a research group in the Structural Virology Lab at Institut Pasteur Paris. Her team works on several arboviruses of major impact in human health, including dengue (DEN), Zika and Rift Valley fever (RVF) viruses. Her research is focused on the role of accessory proteins in viral pathogenesis and has led to the identification of two virulence factors, the mitochondrial RVFV NSm and the secreted DEN NS1 nonstructural proteins. In particular, her team showed that NS1 circulates in blood during acute DENV infections, thus representing a potent diagnostic marker. A diagnostic kit based on the NS1 antigen detection developed at Institut Pasteur has become a reference in the field. The team more recently demonstrated that secreted NS1 forms a pro-inflammatory complex with human high-density lipoproteins (HDL), pointing to a major contribution of NS1 to the deleterious cytokine storm reported in dengue hemorrhagic fevers.
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Transversal Projects
2022Dengue virus NS1 protein conveys pro-inflammatory signals by docking onto high-density lipoproteins., EMBO Rep 2022 May; (): e53600.
2020Genetic dissection of Rift Valley fever pathogenesis: Rvfs2 locus on mouse chromosome 11 enables survival to early-onset hepatitis., Sci Rep 2020 May; 10(1): 8734.
2020Genetic Diversity of Collaborative Cross Mice Controls Viral Replication, Clinical Severity, and Brain Pathology Induced by Zika Virus Infection, Independently of Oas1b., J Virol 2020 01; 94(3): .
2015The flavivirus NS1 protein’s mysteries unveiled?: (Comment on DOI 10.1002/bies.201400182), Bioessays 2015 May;37(5):472.
2014The Rift Valley fever accessory proteins NSm and P78/NSm-GN are distinct determinants of virus propagation in vertebrate and invertebrate hosts, Emerg Microbes Infect 2014 Oct;3(10):e71.
2013Role of the cytosolic tails of Rift Valley fever virus envelope glycoproteins in viral morphogenesis, Virology 2014 Jan;448:1-14.
2006Evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay for detection of dengue virus NS1 antigen in human serum, Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 2006 Nov;13(11):1185-9.
2005The secreted form of dengue virus nonstructural protein NS1 is endocytosed by hepatocytes and accumulates in late endosomes: implications for viral infectivity, J. Virol. 2005 Sep;79(17):11403-11.
2002Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific to Dengue virus type 1 nonstructural protein NS1 reveals circulation of the antigen in the blood during the acute phase of disease in patients experiencing primary or secondary infections, J. Clin. Microbiol. 2002 Feb;40(2):376-81.
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