During his PhD at University of Yaoundé 1 in Cameroon, Jean Marc’s research was focussed on the investigation of the factors involved in the trypanosome transmission by tsetse flies on the field (natural condition). This was performed via studying the three-way interaction between the tsetse fly, the trypanosome and tsetse symbiotic bacteria (Sodalis glossinidius, Wigglesworthia glossinidia, Wolbachia sp., Spiroplasma and others…) using transcriptomic (gene regulation), proteomic and meta taxogenomic analysis.
Jean Marc joined the lab in March 2020 as a post-doctoral fellow to investigate the preferates sources of Carbon of trypanosomes as well as the metabolism of extravascular (cutaneous) trypanosomes using intravital imaging in mouse model experimentally infected with known strains of trypanosomes.