Organizational, technical, scientific, legal, ethical aspects of biobanks are reviewed.
What you will learn
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand how biobanks allow end-users to access fit-for-purpose biological resources
- Be aware of the ethical, regulatory and quality assurance aspects of processing, preservation and distribution of biological resources
- Learn about validation of biobank methods
- Get to know international networks of biobanks
Biobanks are entities ensuring the management and preservation of biological resources, such as biological fluids or tissues of human origin, living cells, microbes, and their associated data. The major objective of biobanks is to preserve these resources in optimal conditions to maintain their integrity and make them available to the scientific community to both advance research and knowledge worldwide, and facilitate the identification of biomarkers and the development of innovative drugs, vaccines or diagnostic tests.
In this MOOC, different aspects of acquisition, processing, and preservation of different types of biological resources are discussed. Specificities of human and microbial biobanking are mentionned. Several sessions are devoted to the quality assurance of these biobanks to meet international standards.
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