The Carnot Network for Infectious Diseases lauches a call for expression of interest on antimicrobial resistance.
Do you have a project, an expertise or a need for skills to carry out research in the areas of combating antimicrobial resistance (therapeutics, vaccines or diagnostics) with a “One Health” approach and you are faced with scientific and/or technological obstacles that you cannot solve alone?
This call for expression of interest is for you!
The projects developed in response to this call receive funding ranging between 50,000€-100,000€ from their respective Carnot institute.
Deadline : 15 December 2023
Six Carnot institutes came together in 2022 to form the Carnot Network on Infectious Diseases for research on the themes : infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance to train. The network is led by Carnot Pasteur Microbes et Santé and supports a key research subject in the France plan 2030.
The purpose of this call for expressions of interest is to :
• identify possible synergies, scientific and technological obstacles to overcome
• validate the strategic axes and prioritize those which would be a source of strong interaction and complementarities between the institutes
• identify researchers within the scope of the Carnot network for infectious diseases interested in the targeted themes
• organize events that meet your needs
• consider the construction and financing of inter-Carnot resourcing actions
• establish, around these themes, working groups, in charge of setting up research projects bringing together researchers from the different institutes of the Carnot network for Infectious Diseases
• accelerate innovation in the field of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive tools for antibiotic resistance by using new methodologies and new tools (for example artificial intelligence)
III-Target themes
1 Therapeutic innovation
a- Development of new preventive and curative strategies with a holistic approach with priority to phage therapy
b- Optimization of the use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine
2 Diagnostic innovation
a- Resistance detection
b- Development of routine Phage sensitivity and activity tests
3 Innovation prevention and control
a- Study of the dynamics and control of the emergence, transmission and dissemination of resistance
b- Study of the human and financial impacts of antibiotic resistance
4 Innovation in the field of antibiotic resistance and the environment
a- Study of the dynamics and control of the emergence, transmission and dissemination of resistance in the environment
b- Detection and reduction of antimicrobial residues in the environment in a One Health approach
IV-Financing Terms
Pojects will be supported by all the Carnot institutes involved. Each Carnot will allocate an overall funding between 50,000€ and 100,000€ and will support their reserach entity of the selected project. This will be within the framework of an Inter Carnot collaborative project.

In order to apply, please fill in the following form :
or use the following QR code :

You will be asked to provide :
• The research theme and sub-theme of interest
• A summary of 10 lines maximum on a planned research project
• Your expertise in the field
• The scientific and/or technological obstacles you face
• The expertise you would need within the MI Alliance
• Your contact details to get back to you
For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at :
For more information on the Association of the Carnot institutes, please visit :
For more information on the Carnot label, please visit :
L’Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt – la version en français :