24 months post-doctoral position financed by the ANR at the Institute Pasteur in the unite Biochimie des Interactions Macromoléculaires under supervision of Undine Mechold available.
Bacterial toxins need to be activated by a eukaryotic cofactor after they enter eukaryotic host cells. We recently found that actin can fulfill this function for a group of cAMP/cGMP synthesizing enzymes from pathogenic bacteria. Among them is ExoY from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an organism representing a major cause of chronic infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Despite the fact that toxins present in this group share actin as common activator, their biological effects in infected cells seem to vary. We therefore aim to study the function and diversities of Actin-activated nucleotidyl cyclases (AANC) from different bacterial species.
Requirements and specifics
Candidates should have obtained their PhD recently, should have a strong background in molecular biology/biochemistry/cellular biology and good english language skills.
Applications should be sent to undine.mechold@pasteur.fr and include a CV and motivation letter as well as the contact information for 2-3 referees.
The position should be taken no later than October 2020.