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© Uwe Maskos
Tranche d'hippocampe de souris colorée avec deux toxines spécifiques de sous-types de récepteur nicotinique, en rouge (grains), et en vert (corps cellulaires). L'hippocampe est la zone du cerveau qui gère la mémoire spatiale.
Publication : Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology

Profound alteration in reward processing due to a human polymorphism in CHRNA5: a role in alcohol dependence and feeding behavior.

Scientific Fields

Published in Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology - 01 Oct 2019

Besson M, Forget B, Correia C, Blanco R, Maskos U,

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 31288250

Link to DOI – 10.1038/s41386-019-0462-0

Neuropsychopharmacology 2019 10; 44(11): 1906-1916

Human genetic variation in the nicotinic receptor gene cluster CHRNA5/A3/B4, in particular the non-synonymous and frequent CHRNA5 variant rs16969968 (α5SNP), has an important consequence on smoking behavior in humans. A number of genetic association studies have additionally implicated the CHRNA5 gene in addictions to other drugs, and also body mass index (BMI). Here, we model the α5SNP, in a transgenic rat line, and establish its role in alcohol dependence, and feeding behavior. Rats expressing the α5SNP consume more alcohol, and exhibit increased relapse to alcohol seeking after abstinence. This high-relapsing phenotype is reflected in altered activity in the insula, linked to interoception, as established using c-Fos immunostaining. Similarly, relapse to food seeking is increased in the transgenic group, while a nicotine treatment reduces relapse in both transgenic and control rats. These findings point to a general role of this human polymorphism in reward processing, and multiple addictions other than smoking. This could pave the way for the use of medication targeting the nicotinic receptor in the treatment of alcohol use and eating disorders, and comorbid conditions in smokers.