Norio Takeshita – University of Tsukuba – Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability – Tsukuba Japan
Physical spaces and nutrients are prerequisites to the survival of organisms while no interspecies mutual strategy is documented that satisfies them. Microbes ubiquitously live in nearly every ecological niche. Different species coexist in certain habitats and share available metabolites. A novel mutualistic growth mechanism is discovered between models of filamentous fungus and bacteria. The bacterial cells move faster along fungal highway and disperse farther on fugal growth, while bacterial cells deliver thiamine to tips of fungal hyphae and promote the fungal growth. The simultaneous spatial and metabolic interactions indicate a mutualism that facilitates the bacterial-fungal species to compete for environmental niche and nutrient respectively.
website: https://fungalcell.com
Contacts : Thierry Fontaine (thierry.fontaine@pasteur.fr) et Fabrice Chrétien (fabrice.chretien@pasteur.fr)