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Mariano Genera
Visiteur(euse) Scientifique
01 janv. 2023

Interactions of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN3 with viral and cellular partners through its PDZ domain: insights into structural determinants and phosphatase activity.

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13 janv. 2021

Molecular basis of the interaction of the human tyrosine phosphatase PTPN3 with the hepatitis B virus core protein.

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15 mai 2019

Structural and functional characterization of the PDZ domain of the human phosphatase PTPN3 and its interaction with the human papillomavirus E6 oncoprotein.

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16 juil. 2015

Groupe: Signalisation et interactions moléculaires

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21 sept. 2014

Signalisation et dynamique des récepteurs

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