Ligne de temps
Benno Schwikowski
Responsable de Structure
06 déc. 2024
20 nov. 2024
01 juil. 2024
Consensus gene modules strategy identifies candidate blood-based biomarkers for primary Sjögren’s disease.
Lire plus02 nov. 2023
Identification of new candidate drugs for primary Sjögren’s syndrome using a drug repurposing transcriptomic approach.
Lire plus01 août 2023
20 juin 2022
Variability of Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Is Driven by Interferon-α and Interferon-α Blood Levels Are Associated With the Class II HLA-DQ Locus.
Lire plus04 avr. 2022
DECIDER: artificial intelligence to improve diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer
Lire plus04 avr. 2022
17 janv. 2022
An overview of machine learning methods for monotherapy drug response prediction.
Lire plus08 nov. 2021
29 oct. 2021
01 août 2021
11 juin 2021
DECIDER: artificial intelligence to improve diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer
Lire plus05 mars 2021
25 juin 2020
09 mars 2020
Bystander IFN-γ activity promotes widespread and sustained cytokine signaling altering the tumor microenvironment
Lire plus01 mars 2020
Bystander IFN-γ activity promotes widespread and sustained cytokine signaling altering the tumor microenvironment.
Lire plus01 oct. 2019
18 sept. 2019
10 sept. 2019
New clinical endpoints in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: an interventional trial based on stratifying patients (NECESSITY)
Lire plus01 févr. 2019
Single-Cell Analysis of Diverse Pathogen Responses Defines a Molecular Roadmap for Generating Antigen-Specific Immunity
Lire plus24 oct. 2018
A crowdsourced analysis to identify ab initio molecular signatures predictive of susceptibility to viral infection.
Lire plus27 juil. 2018
Human genetic variants and age are the strongest predictors of humoral immune responses to common pathogens and vaccines.
Lire plus20 juin 2018
15 mars 2018
Comprehensive characterization and effective combinatorial targeting of high-grade serous ovarian cancer via single-cell analysis (HERCULES)
Lire plus01 mars 2018
Natural variation in the parameters of innate immune cells is preferentially driven by genetic factors.
Lire plus16 janv. 2018
Distinctive roles of age, sex, and genetics in shaping transcriptional variation of human immune responses to microbial challenges.
Lire plus26 sept. 2017
26 sept. 2017
21 sept. 2017
Network module identification-A widespread theoretical bias and best practices
Lire plus21 juil. 2017
Common and phylogenetically widespread coding for peptides by bacterial small RNAs
Lire plus01 mars 2017
08 déc. 2016
From the exposome to mechanistic understanding of chemical-induced adverse effects
Lire plus14 nov. 2016
10 mai 2016
Systems biology of cell infection by the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes
Lire plus05 oct. 2015
29 juin 2015
Bacterial Internalization, Localization, and Effectors Shape the Epithelial Immune Response during Shigella flexneri Infection
Lire plus15 juin 2015
11 mai 2015
01 avr. 2015
Automated flow cytometric analysis across large numbers of samples and cell types.
Lire plus06 févr. 2015
Filter-free exhaustive odds ratio-based genome-wide interaction approach pinpoints evidence for interaction in the HLA region in psoriasis
Lire plus18 déc. 2014
01 juil. 2014
09 déc. 2013
17 juil. 2013
TLM-Quant: an open-source pipeline for visualization and quantification of gene expression heterogeneity in growing microbial cells
Lire plus01 avr. 2013
Identification of additional proteins in differential proteomics using protein interaction networks
Lire plus07 nov. 2012
Automated Phosphopeptide Identification Using Multiple MS/MS Fragmentation Modes
Lire plus13 mars 2012
01 mars 2012
Condition-dependent transcriptome reveals high-level regulatory architecture in Bacillus subtilis
Lire plus01 mars 2012
Global network reorganization during dynamic adaptations of Bacillus subtilis metabolism
Lire plus01 janv. 2012
06 déc. 2010
11 mai 2010
01 mai 2010
MUDE: a new approach for optimizing sensitivity in the target-decoy search strategy for large-scale peptide/protein identification
Lire plus26 sept. 2008
01 févr. 2008
Alignment of LC-MS images, with applications to biomarker discovery and protein identification
Lire plus07 juil. 2007
Assessing bias in experiment design for large scale mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics
Lire plus01 janv. 2007
30 juil. 2006
03 nov. 2005
01 nov. 2005
ProbIDtree: an automated software program capable of identifying multiple peptides from a single collision-induced dissociation spectrum collected by a tandem mass spectrometer
Lire plus20 juin 2005
Tools enabling the elucidation of molecular pathways active in human disease: application to Hepatitis C virus infection
Lire plus01 août 2004
01 janv. 2004
01 nov. 2003
Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks
Lire plus01 janv. 2003
01 oct. 2002
ProbID: a probabilistic algorithm to identify peptides through sequence database searching using tandem mass spectral data
Lire plus01 janv. 2002
Discovering regulatory and signalling circuits in molecular interaction networks
Lire plus01 janv. 2002
01 déc. 2000
01 janv. 2000
01 janv. 2000
An exact algorithm to identify motifs in orthologous sequences from multiple species
Lire plus01 janv. 1997