Ligne de temps
Edouard Yeramian
Chercheur(euse) Permanent(e)
28 mars 2018
22 mars 2018
22 mars 2018
22 mars 2018
26 sept. 2017
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Controls Phagosomal Acidification by Targeting CISH-Mediated Signaling
Lire plus18 juil. 2017
A Bacterial Toxin with Analgesic Properties: Hyperpolarization of DRG Neurons by Mycolactone
Lire plus02 mars 2016
07 janv. 2016
Subtelomere organization in the genome of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon cuniculi: patterns of repeated sequences and physicochemical signatures
Lire plus07 juil. 2015
11 mai 2015
11 mai 2015
19 juin 2014
Mycobacterial toxin induces analgesia in buruli ulcer by targeting the angiotensin pathways
Lire plus20 févr. 2014
A case of guilt by association: Water bug bite incriminated in M. ulcerans infection
Lire plus01 janv. 2013
Investigation of secreted protein transcripts as early biomarkers for type 1 diabetes in the mouse model.
Lire plus20 oct. 2011
06 juil. 2010
Seasonal and regional dynamics of M. ulcerans transmission in environmental context: deciphering the role of water bugs as hosts and vectors
Lire plus22 juin 2009
GC content and recombination: reassessing the causal effects for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome
Lire plus12 févr. 2007
01 févr. 2007
Protection against Mycobacterium ulcerans lesion development by exposure to aquatic insect saliva
Lire plus05 déc. 2006
Evolution of proteomes: fundamental signatures and global trends in amino acid compositions
Lire plus16 déc. 2005
01 janv. 2004
GadE (YhiE): a novel activator involved in the response to acid environment in Escherichia coli
Lire plus01 juil. 2003
GeneFizz: A web tool to compare genetic (coding/non-coding) and physical (helix/coil) segmentations of DNA sequences. Gene discovery and evolutionary perspectives
Lire plus13 mars 2003
01 janv. 2002