Ligne de temps

Molly Ingersoll
Chef(fe) de Groupe
18 sept. 2024
Étude du rôle du sexe biologique dans les interactions hôte-pathogène et l’immunité contre l’infection urinaire : URIBOC (2024-021)
Lire plus14 mai 2024
Variability in cell division among anatomical sites shapes Escherichia coli antibiotic survival in a urinary tract infection mouse model.
Lire plus28 nov. 2023
CD115+ monocytes protect microbially experienced mice against E. coli-induced sepsis
Lire plus06 juin 2023
New publication – Tissue-resident memory T cells mediate mucosal immunity to recurrent urinary tract infection
Lire plus26 mai 2023
Tissue-resident memory T cells mediate mucosal immunity to recurrent urinary tract infection.
Lire plus01 mai 2023
Biology of BCG response in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer – 2021 IBCN Updates Part III.
Lire plus15 avr. 2023
01 déc. 2022
05 oct. 2022
The cnf1 gene is associated with an expanding Escherichia coli ST131 H30Rx/C2 subclade and confers a competitive advantage for gut colonization.
Lire plus30 mai 2022
01 mai 2022
21 sept. 2021
Metal-Organic Framework Encapsulated Whole-Cell Vaccines Enhance Humoral Immunity against Bacterial Infection.
Lire plus24 mars 2021
The glycobiology of uropathogenic E. coli infection: the sweet and bitter role of sugars in urinary tract immunity.
Lire plus15 nov. 2020
The Immune System Fails to Mount a Protective Response to Gram-Positive or Gram-Negative Bacterial Prostatitis.
Lire plus01 nov. 2020
Functionally distinct resident macrophage subsets differentially shape responses to infection in the bladder.
Lire plus30 oct. 2020
Identification of sex differences in tumor-specific T cell infiltration in bladder tumor-bearing mice treated with BCG immunotherapy
Lire plus13 juil. 2020
25 mai 2020
01 janv. 2020
18 oct. 2019
Department of Immunology seminar: Elisabeth Mann, Regulation of mucosal macrophage function by the local environment
Lire plus05 juin 2019
30 mai 2019
Sex differences in IL-17 contribute to chronicity in male versus female urinary tract infection
Lire plus18 mai 2019
Bladder cancer, a unique model to understand cancer immunity and develop immunotherapy approaches
Lire plus01 avr. 2019
15 janv. 2019
09 janv. 2019
[Macroautophagy limits the early induction of interferon-β during influenza A virus infection]
Lire plus08 nov. 2018
01 nov. 2018
Biology of nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer: pathology, genomic implications, and immunology
Lire plus29 oct. 2018
Immunology, Immunotherapy, and Translating Basic Science into the Clinic for Bladder Cancer
Lire plus01 oct. 2018
24 sept. 2018
01 août 2018
Limited Macrophage Positional Dynamics in Progressing or Regressing Murine Atherosclerotic Plaques-Brief Report
Lire plus10 mai 2018
Autophagy diminishes the early interferon-β response to influenza A virus resulting in differential expression of interferon-stimulated genes
Lire plus02 févr. 2018
01 janv. 2018
28 déc. 2017
01 déc. 2017
Urinary Tract Infection in a Small Animal Model: Transurethral Catheterization of Male and Female Mice
Lire plus17 nov. 2017
Enterococcus faecalis Promotes Innate Immune Suppression and Polymicrobial Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection
Lire plus18 oct. 2017
Predicting Response to Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Immunotherapy: Are We There Yet? A Systematic Review
Lire plus27 juil. 2017
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Albert Institute for Bladder Cancer Research Symposium
Lire plus20 mars 2017
01 oct. 2016
22 sept. 2016
Bladder catheterization increases susceptibility to infection that can be prevented by prophylactic antibiotic treatment
Lire plus22 juin 2016
13 déc. 2015
Harnessing the Host Immune Response to Infection – BCG Immunotherapy for Bladder Cancer
Lire plus12 oct. 2015
Mucosal-associated invariant T cell-rich congenic mouse strain allows functional evaluation
Lire plus10 sept. 2015
16 juil. 2015
15 juin 2015
Dipeptidylpeptidase 4 inhibition enhances lymphocyte trafficking, improving both naturally occurring tumor immunity and immunotherapy
Lire plus11 oct. 2014
Considerations on the use of urine markers in the management of patients with high-grade non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Lire plus12 mars 2014
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin strain differences have an impact on clinical outcome in bladder cancer immunotherapy
Lire plus09 janv. 2014
Considerations on the use of urine markers in the management of patients with low-/intermediate-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
Lire plus25 sept. 2013
From infection to immunotherapy: host immune responses to bacteria at the bladder mucosa
Lire plus01 sept. 2013
10 nov. 2011
CD11b⁺, Ly6G⁺ cells produce type I interferon and exhibit tissue protective properties following peripheral virus infection
Lire plus12 juin 2011
30 mai 2011
Niacin inhibits skin dendritic cell mobilization in a GPR109A independent manner but has no impact on monocyte trafficking in atherosclerosis
Lire plus22 févr. 2010
Characterization of a novel murine model of Staphylococcus saprophyticus urinary tract infection reveals roles for Ssp and SdrI in virulence
Lire plus12 nov. 2009
Comparison of gene expression profiles between human and mouse monocyte subsets
Lire plus10 sept. 2009
26 août 2008
G-CSF induction early in uropathogenic Escherichia coli infection of the urinary tract modulates host immunity
Lire plus01 avr. 2006
01 nov. 2003
The ShiA protein encoded by the Shigella flexneri SHI-2 pathogenicity island attenuates inflammation
Lire plus01 janv. 2002