Projet The study of conformational dynamics and interaction of metal complexes with nucleic acids based on NMR spectroscopy Muriel Delepierre
Projet Interferon induction, inflammation and stress in HCV infection and stress-related pathologies Eliane Meurs
Ingénieur(e) de Recherche Mariano Martinez Mécanismes du Cycle Cellulaire Bactérien Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.
Outil Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometers Muriel Delepierre • Iñaki Guijarro • Florence Cordier • Nicolas Wolff • Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre • Bruno Vitorge
Projet ANR Patho-Methylome – The role of lysine methylation in host-pathogen interactions Jonathan Weitzman
Projet FP7 Targeting the Leishmania kinome for the development of novel anti-parasitic strategies (LeishDrug) Gérald Spaeth
Projet ANR TransLeish – Discovery of druggable protein kinases in the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani using hit compounds identified by phenotypic screening Najma Rachidi • Gérald Spaeth
Projet ANR TranSig – Trans-signalling: A novel mechanism of Leishmania host cell immune evasion through the release of parasite signalling proteins Najma Rachidi
Projet PTR 539 – A multilevel systems approach to elucidate the host-Leishmania interactome and to identify host targets for anti-leishmanial drug discovery Joo Hwan No