Ingénieur(e) de Recherche
Environment and health risks [52]
Chercheur(euse) Permanent(e)
Noël Tordo
Chercheur(euse) Permanent(e)
Christine Petit
Laboratoire d’Innovation en Thérapies de l’Audition
POSTES SCIENTIFIQUES Head of Auditory Therapies Innovation Laboratory at the Hearing Institute (an Institut Pasteur Center), Paris Professor “Classe Exceptionnelle” at Institut Pasteur, Paris Professor Emeritus at Collège de France, Chair of Genetics and […]
Chercheur(euse) Permanent(e)
Arnaud Fontanet
Epidémiologie des Maladies Emergentes
I am a medical epidemiologist (MD in 1988 at Paris V, specialisation in rheumatology in 1990, Paris V, and DrPH from Harvard School of Public Health in 1993) specialized in infectious diseases epidemiology. After […]