Recipient: Gerald Spaeth, PI
Agency: Pasteur Institute, Type: Collaborative grant, 01/2016 – 12/2019
Based on ongoing collaborative actions we propose the creation of an IMU between three teams at IP Paris (G. Spaeth), IP Shanghai (G. Meng) and IP Korea (J.H. No). We will combine our complementary expertise in molecular parasitology, macrophage immunology, and phenotypic screening with the objectives (i) to assess the impact of Leishmania-released proteins on the host macrophage phenotype and exploit the parasite ecto-proteome for the identification of novel drug targets, (ii) to discover proteins and compounds that can regulate the functions of the macrophage inflammasome and assess their potential to control intracellular Leishmania infection, and (iii) to identify and pharmacologically target host cell factors required for Leishmania infection. Our IMU will coordinate institutional infrastructure, teaching capacities, and private partnerships across France, China, and Korea with the final goal to exploit host macrophage/Leishmania interaction for anti-parasitic intervention.