Xin Hou
Génomique évolutive des virus à ARN
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Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en EN.
We established an Emerging Infectious Disease Research Center in Southeast Asia and West/Central Africa with an inter-continental one-health approach designed to improve the capacity to respond rapidly and effectively to outbreaks. We built on […]
Preventing vector-borne diseases around the mediterranean and black sea regions by creating a One Health network of laboratories Countries of the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions share common public health issues and threats. The MediLabSecure […]
Nicole Corre-Catelin est chargée de différents projets de recherche clinique et plus particulièrement ceux concernant l’identification de nouveaux pathogènes chez des cohortes de patients souffrant de pathologies d’origines inconnues ou transmises par un vecteur. […]
Present and Previous Positions Head of the Bacteria-Cell Interactions Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris since 2006 Professeur de Classe Exceptionnelle à l’Institut Pasteur, Paris 1997 – 2005 Professeur à l’Institut Pasteur, Paris 1988 – 1996 […]
I am a medical epidemiologist (MD in 1988 at Paris V, specialisation in rheumatology in 1990, Paris V, and DrPH from Harvard School of Public Health in 1993) specialized in infectious diseases epidemiology. After […]