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2024 Antimicrobial Resistance Conference – March 13th-15th, 2024 – UK & online
Congratulation to Laurent Debarbieux for leading the new research unit entitled Bacteriophage, Bacterium, Host.Laurent Debarbieux
The 2019 iGEM Pasteur Paris Team is Up !Deshmukh Gopaul
Post-doc availableNadia Izadi-Pruneyre
Sofia Pombo new PhD student in the BGPB UnitIvo Gomperts Boneca
ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to study dormancy, relapse and sexual conversion in malaria parasitesLiliana Mancio Silva
iGEM Pasteur 2018 at the European Parliament – 28/09/2018
“cross talk of cells of two distinct hematopoietic lineages”Ana Cumano
ICIP 2020: “Modeling Shape Dynamics During Cell Motility in Microscopy Videos”Rituparna Sarkar
Milieu Intérieur seminarLluis Quintana-Murci
Can a glutamine antagonist mediate reversal of cerebral malaria pathology in children? We hope so! Susan K. PierceChetan Chitnis
Cytokines 2020
Postdoctoral position: Circuit mechanisms in non-motor cerebellumDavid DiGregorio
Project Officer LabEx Revive
Computational biologist/biostatistician, stratification of autoimmune diseaseBenno Schwikowski
Interplay between bacterial virulence factors and ubiquitin-mediated cellular regulationsEmmanuel Lemichez
A 2-years post-doctoral position at the Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity UnitThierry Fontaine
Postdoctoral fellow or research engineer: neural plasticity in the central auditory systemBoris Gourévitch