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2025Cobalt chloride-mimicked hepatocyte cell hypoxia induces TREX1 leading to Hepatitis B virus restriction., J Infect Dis 2025 Jan; (): .
2023APOBEC3F is a mutational driver of the human Monkeypox virus identified in the 2022 outbreak., J Infect Dis 2023 May; (): .
2022APOBEC3C S188I Polymorphism Enhances Context-Specific Editing of Hepatitis B Virus Genome., J Infect Dis 2022 Sep; 226(5): 891-895.
2021Frame-shifted APOBEC3A encodes two alternative proapoptotic proteins that target the mitochondrial network., J Biol Chem 2021 Sep; 297(3): 101081.