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2024IL-7-dependent and -independent lineages of IL-7R-dependent human T cells., J Clin Invest 2024 Oct; 134(19): .
2024Standardized high-dimensional spectral cytometry protocol and panels for whole blood immune phenotyping in clinical and translational studies., Cytometry A 2024 Feb; 105(2): 124-138.
2023A human immune system (HIS) mouse model that dissociates roles for mouse and human FcR+ cells during antibody-mediated immune responses., Eur J Immunol 2023 Aug; (): e2350454.
2022Notch, RORC and IL-23 signals cooperate to promote multi-lineage human innate lymphoid cell differentiation., Nat Commun 2022 Jul; 13(1): 4344.
2022Defects in mucosal immunity and nasopharyngeal dysbiosis in HSC-transplanted SCID patients with IL2RG/JAK3 deficiency., Blood 2022 Apr; 139(17): 2585-2600.
2022CD116+ fetal precursors migrate to the perinatal lung and give rise to human alveolar macrophages., J Exp Med 2022 Feb; 219(2):e20210987.
2021Dichotomous metabolic networks govern human ILC2 proliferation and function., Nat Immunol 2021 Nov; 22(11): 1367-1374.
2021Polarized mitochondria as guardians of NK cell fitness., Blood Adv 2021 01; 5(1): 26-38.
2020Dysregulation of tryptophan catabolism at the host-skin microbiota interface in Hidradenitis Suppurativa., 2020 Sep 24;140598..
2020STING Gain-of-Function Disrupts Lymph Node Organogenesis and Innate Lymphoid Cell Development in Mice., Cell Rep 2020 Jun; 31(11): 107771.
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