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2024Performance of clinical metagenomics in France: a prospective observational study., Lancet Microbe 2024 Jan; 5(1): e52-e61.
2021Genetic evidence suggests a sense of family, parity and conquest in the Xiongnu Iron Age nomads of Mongolia., Hum Genet 2021 Feb; 140(2): 349-359.
2019Genetic kinship and admixture in Iron Age Scytho-Siberians., Hum Genet 2019 Apr; 138(4): 411-423.
2017Untargeted next-generation sequencing-based first-line diagnosis of infection in immunocompromised adults: a multicentre, blinded, prospective study, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2017, 23 (8), pp.574.e1-574.e6. ⟨10.1016/j.cmi.2017.02.006⟩.
2016Development of a candidate reference material for adventitious virus detection in vaccine and biologicals manufacturing by deep sequencing., Vaccine 2016 Apr; 34(17): 2035-43.