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2024Dejoux A, Zhu Q, Ganneau C, Goff OR, Godon O, Lemaitre J, Relouzat F, Huetz F, Sokal A, Vandenberghe A, Pecalvel C, Hunault L, Derenne T, Gillis CM, Iannascoli B, Wang Y, Rose T, Mertens C, Nicaise-Roland P, , England P, Mahévas M, de Chaisemartin L, Le Grand R, Letscher H, Saul F, Pissis C, Haouz A, Reber LL, Chappert P, Jönsson F, Ebo DG, Millot GA, Bay S, Chollet-Martin S, Gouel-Chéron A, Bruhns P, Rocuronium-specific antibodies drive perioperative anaphylaxis but can also function as reversal agents in preclinical models., Sci Transl Med 2024 Sep; 16(764): eado4463.
2016Stéphanie Petrella, Alexandra Aubry, Geneviève Janvier, Eloi Paul Coutant, Alex Cartier, Thuy-Ha Dao, Frédéric Bonhomme, Laurence Motreff, Cédric Pissis, Chantal Bizet, Dominique Clermont, Evelyne Begaud, Pascal Retailleau, Hélène Munier-Lehmann, Estelle Capton, Claudine Mayer, Yves Janin, Synthesis and evaluation of original bioisosteres of bacterial type IIA topoisomerases inhibitors, Can. J. Chem. 2016, 94 , 240-250.
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