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2012 : Engineer degree in Biology (Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre), Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France. Subjet : Macrophage response after interaction with clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans. 2002 : BAC+3 degree (Licence Professionnelle) Bio Expérimentation Industrielle, Ecole Supèrieure des Techniques de Biologie Appliquée, Paris, France. 2002 : Experimentation agreement (Niveau II), Ecole Vétérinaire Maison Alfort, France. 2001 : Technician degree in Biophysics, Ecole Technique Supérieure du Laboratoire, Paris, France.
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2023Kicking sleepers out of bed: Macrophages promote reactivation of dormant Cryptococcus neoformans by extracellular vesicle release and non-lytic exocytosis., PLoS Pathog 2023 Nov; 19(11): e1011841.
2023Reduction in mortality from HIV-related CNS infections in routine care in Africa (DREAMM): a before-and-after, implementation study., Lancet HIV 2023 Oct; 10(10): e663-e673.
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2021Evaluation of a New Histoplasma spp. Quantitative RT-PCR Assay., J Mol Diagn 2021 Mar; (): .
2019Cryptococcus neoformans resists to drastic conditions by switching to viable but non-culturable cell phenotype., PLoS Pathog 2019 Jul; 15(7): e1007945.
2018Titan cells formation in Cryptococcus neoformans is finely tuned by environmental conditions and modulated by positive and negative genetic regulators., PLoS Pathog 2018 05; 14(5): e1006982.
2016Variation in copy number of the 28S rDNA of Aspergillus fumigatus measured by droplet digital PCR and analog quantitative real-time PCR., J. Microbiol. Methods 2016 08; 127(): 160-163.
2016Copy Number Variation of Mitochondrial DNA Genes in Pneumocystis jirovecii According to the Fungal Load in BAL Specimens., Front Microbiol 2016 ; 7(): 1413.
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