17th Congress of European Shock Society: numerous “premières”
For the first time since the founding of the European Shock Society (33 years ago), its congress will be held in France, and Paris will host the XVIIth Congress of the ESS from 13th […]
For the first time since the founding of the European Shock Society (33 years ago), its congress will be held in France, and Paris will host the XVIIth Congress of the ESS from 13th […]
ETOX is a label for a well-established and reputed series of “European Workshops on Bacterial Protein Toxins” initiated in 1983 with the impulsion of Joseph E. Alouf and in association with John Freer, Sjur […]
Infectious agents can manipulate the genetic program of host cells to gain selective advantage. One major objective is to block the innate immune response of the host organism. However, this is not exclusive. Infectious […]
The 2017 « International Cell Senescence Association (ICSA) meeting » held in Paris (France) will provide a forum to present and discuss the latest developments in the field of cellular senescence. Cellular senescence is […]
For one century bacteriophages, viruses of bacteria, have served and continue to serve as a basic model for understanding the fundamental principles of life. Indeed, research on bacteriophages is inseparable from the emergence of […]
“Regulatory Dynamics Determine Cell Fate following Abrupt Antibiotic Exposure”
“Symbiotic bacteria associated with a bobtail squid reproductive system are detectable in the environment, and stable in the host and developing eggs”
It is well known that environmental factors such as chemicals and radiation cause DNA damage. In contrast, the consequences of bacterial infection on the integrity of host DNA are poorly understood. We show that […]
Séminaire « From fitness comparison to spatial constrains, the many roads of cell competition ». présenté par Romain Levayer (Institut Pasteur – Département Biologie de Développement et Cellules Souches) Lundi 10 Avril 2017 à 12h00 […]
Clément JOUSSELIN Unité postulante des stratégies antivirales Cellular partners of rabies polymerase: role in viral cycle Maria Lucia CARRAU EGUIA Unité des populations virales et pathogenèse Rewiring RNA viruses to modulate their mutational […]
Quentin NEVERS Unité INSERM U955, Equipe 18 (Pr. Pawlotsky), Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil « Anti-coronavirus activity of small-molecule cyclophilin inhibitors » Jingshu Tami ZHANG Unité de Génétique Moléculaire des Virus à ARN, IP « Regulation of […]
Department of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology 2017 Seminar Series Friday 21st April— at 12.00 pm @ Amphi Jacques Monod (Bât.66) SEMINAR “Regulation of the blood-brain barrier in health and disease” Invited Speaker ⇒ […]
Quique BASSAT – Barcelona Institute of Global health ISGlobal (Barcelone – Espagne) In spite of large efforts and generous investments, mortality statistics and cause of death (CoD) estimates from resource-constrained countries remain, as of […]
Department of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology 2017 Seminar Series Friday 28th April— at 12.00 pm @ Amphi Jacques Monod (Bât.66) SEMINAR “Stem cells, diet, and physiology” Invited Speaker ⇒ Daniela Drummond-Barbosa Department of […]
Dr Gregory MOSELEY Department of Microbiology Biomedicine Discovery Institute Monash University, Australia “The P protein axis: a central target to prevent lethal rabies disease?” “Viruses pose one of the grand challenges to human […]
Bruno LEMAITRE Global Health Institute School of Life Science, EPFL CH1015 Lausanne, Switzerland How do high-ego personalities drive research in life sciences? And other societal issue with narcissism Scientists are often […]