Genome in 3D: models of chromosome folding
DNA of the human genome is 2m long and is folded into chromosomes that fit in 10-micron cellular nucleus. How are these long polymers of DNA folded and organized in 3D inside the nucleus? […]
DNA of the human genome is 2m long and is folded into chromosomes that fit in 10-micron cellular nucleus. How are these long polymers of DNA folded and organized in 3D inside the nucleus? […]
Séminaire “Host cell colonization by Mycobacterium tuberculosis: recent insights on the early onset” présenté par Priscille Brodin (Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, U1019 – UMR 8204 – CIIL – […]
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole doctorale Complexité du Vivant Unité Macrophages et Dévelopement de l’Immunité, Département de Biologie du Développement et Cellules Souches, Institut Pasteur
Organizer: Lisa CHAKRABARTI, for the GRS organization committee Unité de Pathogénie Virale, Institut Pasteur, Paris Speakers : Frédéric TANGY Unité de Génomique Virale et Vaccination, Institut Pasteur, Paris Protective efficacy of live measles-HIV vaccine […]
Joint Seminar Département Immunologie Institut Pasteur & ImmunoConcept Université de Bordeaux December 1st – 2017, 14 : 30 Institut Pasteur Amphithéatre Duclaux 28, rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 Paris Herbert W. Virgin Washington University […]
Le 22 novembre 2017 aura lieu à l’Académie de Médecine la journée Claude Bernard organisée par la Société de Biologie. Cette journée fait chaque année le point sur un thème scientifique important susceptible d’intéresser […]
Statistical methodology is key for quantitative proteomics, as it helps reduce bias and inefficiencies, distinguish the systematic variation from random artifacts, and maximize the reproducibility of the results. This talk will overview the statistical […]
In collaboration with the Unit of Molecular Genetics of ARN viruses, the C3BI is organising a systems biology seminar with two scientists from Laszlo Barabasi’s laboratory : Istvan Kovacs – A leap forward in biological link […]
Science has to be accessible to everyone, from the scientists working every day in the lab doing experiments or coding new methods and analyses, to the citizens who will benefit from the new advances. […]
The Bio Image Analysis unit organizes a new free training for Icy software (http://icy.bioimageanalysis.org) Icy is an image analysis software connected to a web platform. It offers many image analysis tools including spot detection, […]
Proteins are the workhorses of the cell and, over billions of years, they have evolved an amazing plethora of extremely diverse and versatile structures with equally diverse functions. Therefore, their evolution echoes the evolution of all forms […]
Ewan Birney is co-director of the European Bioinformatic Institute and played a vital role in annotating the genome sequences of human, mouse, chicken and several other organisms. He was one of the founders of […]
When systems health is viewed as that part of medicine which looks at entire systems, rather than collections of parts, it implies potentially dealing with vast amounts of heterogeneous data. This imposes challenges in […]
Seminar “Molecular mechanisms of mammalian autophagy” presented by Sharon Tooze (The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK) Monday, October 30, 2017 at 12 :00 Room Amphithéâtre DUCLAUX – Building Emile DUCLAUX Invited by Thomas […]
Dear Colleagues, To honor the 10th anniversary of the Institut Pasteur Vaccinology Course, the Vaccinology Course and the GPF Vaccinology will hold a special session entitled “Bringing Vaccinology to the World” at the 2017 […]