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Institut Pasteur, partner of the “Antibiotic Resistance and One Health” university diploma
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Streptococcus pneumoniae: Development of protein-based vaccines and characterization of immune responses in animal models with high susceptibility to infectionDaniel Ladant
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PhD Defense – Mara Carloni – “Modulation of Yersinia pestis virulence involving the flagellin locus and phase variation”
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POST-DOCTORAL POSITION in IMMUNOLOGY: Evaluating novel immune modulating therapies in HBV infections.Hélène Strick-Marchand
Post-doctoral position on the evolution of bacterial virulenceArnaud Firon
Postdoc positions in DNA repair, B cell biology and cancerLudovic Deriano
M1-M2 internships : Optics Development for Biology
Postdoc position in NeuroscienceMorgane Besson
A 2-years post-doctoral position at the Fungal Biology and Pathogenicity UnitThierry Fontaine