The main objective of the programme is to focus on finding key factors determining dengue transmission and dynamics in order to develop new tools and strategies for controlling dengue transmission. We will estimate the risk of spreading DENV to uninfected areas, especially in Southern Europe where susceptible vectors exist. The major tools generated will be predictive models that enable specific interventions, whether concerning the environment, mosquito or human, to be made and that can undermine an epidemic. We aim to develop an easy-to-use point of care diagnostic tool that is sensitive to detect virus in both human and mosquito samples, which will improve DENV surveillance. Inherent in this approach is the belief that improved surveillance and diagnosis of the asymptomatic dengue carriers will contribute to effective intervention, especially during early stages of pathogen invasion into a naïve region. We will generate improved biological knowledge on the dengue system by performing detailed studies in field sites where we have been working for several years.