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Plasticité du Génome BactérienDidier Mazel
Macrophages et Cellules EndothélialesElisa Gomez Perdiguero
UMR3691 – Dynamique cellulaire physiologique et pathologique (DC2P)Agathe Subtil
Plateforme d’Acquisition et Traitement du Signal de l’Institut de l’AuditionClara Dussaux
Biologie de l’Infection et de la Transmission de PlasmodiumLiliana Mancio Silva
Collection Nationale de Cultures de Microorganismes (CNCM)Raquel Hurtado Ortiz
The role of neutrophils in the host defense against A. fumigatusOumaima Granet
ANR JCJC scMOmixLaura Cantini
FURTHEST: Unraveling the Foamy Virus interactions with the host: insights into the molecular mechanisms of entry and neutralizationFlorence Buseyne
Bacteriophage gene expression by RNA-SeqLaurent Debarbieux
Interactions between Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and the blood-brain barrierPhilippe Afonso
PTR 232-2019. Mechabiome. Computational imaging of the spatiotemporal distribution of forces in gut tissue: a study of the cross talk between cell mechanics, microbiome and infectious processesElisabeth Labruyère