Public health research and clinical research [486]

SHADE : SHiny Application for Designing Experiments
Pascal Campagne

Ressources for good practices in implementing clinical research and translational research on human samples and data
Isabelle Cailleau

Chiara Crestani
Biodiversity and Epidemiology of Bacterial Pathogens
I graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bologna in 2015. Before starting my PhD, I worked for the Italian health authority and research organization for animal health and food safety (IZSVe). In […]

Mara Santarelli
Computational Systems Biomedicine

Center for Vaccinology and Immunotherapy (CVI)
Vaccines and immunotherapies have had a major positive impact on public health world-wide through disease prevention and treatment that can be measured in millions of lives saved. Despite the successes, we still face major […]

Puck Norell
Membrane Biochemistry and Transport

Mathilde Grimée
Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Analytics
I joined the Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Analytics G5 Unit as a PhD student in October 2021, after completing a M.Sc. in Epidemiology in Germany. I work on the epidemiology and mathematical modeling of […]

(SOCSET) Studying Olfactory and Cognitive Symptoms Evolution in long-COVID Patients
Pierre-Marie Lledo

Mariana De Niz
Mariana De Niz obtained her BSc(Hons) in Immunology from the University of Glasgow, Scotland in 2006. In 2010 she then went on to do an MSc in Control of Infectious Diseases at the London […]

Brice Rotureau • Lucy Glover

Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory
Pierre Charneau

Arthur Frouin
Statistical Genetics
Hi, My name is Arthur Frouin and i’m a post-doc in the statistical genetics group at the Pasteur Institut. During my PhD i worked on the links between heritability estimation and machine learning, which […]

Lise Musset
Lise Musset is the head of the parasitology laboratory. As a pharmaceutical doctor (Université de Reims 2002), Medical Biologist and Doctor of Sciences (Université Paris-Descartes 2006), she is he head of the NRC for […]

SEA-RAFES – Strengthening and EnhAncing the “Réseau Africain Francophone d’Ethique en Santé”
Fabien Taieb