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© Research
Publication : Immunobiology

The splenic pool of mouse stem cells: in vitro differentiation and expression of the BP-1 alloantigen on cells of the lymphoid and myeloid lineages

Scientific Fields

Published in Immunobiology - 01 Dec 1990

Girard R, Phalente L, Chaby R, Pedron T, Buttin G

Link to Pubmed [PMID] – 2098323

Immunobiology 1990 Dec;182(1):56-69

The relative paucity of data about the development of the stem cell pool present in the spleen prompted this study. During in vitro cultures of B-enriched lymphocytes from mouse spleens and in the presence of a culture supernatant of WEHI-3 cells (WEHI-SUP), a population of cells expressing the BP-1 antigen appears progressively, reaches an optimal size 8 days after initiation of the culture, and disappears on day 28. In 8-day-old cultures, a minor population of cells bearing both BP-1 and B220 can be detected. The growth of this cell population, with characteristics of the B lymphoid lineage (pro-B), is strictly dependent on the presence of WEHI-SUP in the medium. After 2 weeks of culture, the BP-1 antigen is expressed on a cell population, which is essentially constituted of B220-, polynuclear cells. The BP-1 antigen, which is considered as characteristic of early cells of the B lymphoid lineage, can therefore also be expressed on cells of the myeloid lineage. The injection of BP-1+ or B220+ cells in irradiated mice can hardly reconstitute their B cell pool, whereas BP-1- and B220- cells are much more efficient in vivo progenitors of this cell lineage.